Hey all, thought I'd post an update here (could maybe go in another section) after my first week of getting everything up and running and what a week it has been (well mostly a serious weekend binge but whatever)!
Quick Summary
- Krayge has been reborn! PLD75 BRD75 DRK66 w/appropriate sub jobs (SJ quest completed), all maps, max fame and old gear
- Killed every HNM I could remember multiple times finally getting all the drops I wanted
- Windurst: Defeated Shadow Lord (6-2) (1 issue)
- Dynamis: All Mega Boss defeated (few issues)
- Aegis & Excalibur relic quests completed
- Zilart: Completed (few issues)
- Promathia: Completed (few issues)
- Aht Urgan: Started
I said it once already but I'll say it again... so. much. nostalgia. I had forgotten how amazing the ZM and CoP storylines were, even with the few issues I encountered which I'll detail here.
I did do a fair bit of forum searching and some of these issues I did discover, others I didn't but I was so engrossed playing I didn't stop to post every little problem.
- Endless ferry ride from Mhaura to Selbina, don't recall it taking so long so @pos outta there.
- Dynamis: Lots of Mobs are called NPC(?) but this was mentioned already in
- Dynamis Xarcabard: Couldn't seem to get the Dynamis Lord to drop the Hydra Key Item both after killing all 15 NMs and him popping automatically and also by using the @spawnmob command. Eventually resorted to @addkeyitem and adding the DynamisXarcabardWin=1 field in Char_vars table in Navicat. Then I could finally view the end CS at Trail Markings.
- Dynamis Xarcabard: Animated Mobs don't drop Fragments, oh wait... yes they do, I just had to kill all 15 NMs first... you noob.

(I never made it past Relic Stage 1)
- Windurst 6-2: After defeating Shadow Lord the CS didn't play and was dumped back out in Castle Zvahl (just YouTube'd the CS and carried on)
- Zilart Mission 8: I think... from this scribbled note here that after beating Kam'lamaut didn't play.
- CoP Mission 2-3: The CS at the end of the mission that introduces Prishe freezes as the 3 Taru walk towards the screen. Only way out was @release, @zone.
- CoP Mission 4-1: Scribbled 'crash Ulmia child singing "Let's make that world right here" -
FFXI Wiki Link, Sheltering Doubt - Misareaux Coast section.
- CoP Mission 4-2: Scribbled 'Dilapidated gate, plays CS from earlier mission with 3 tarus' - can't elaborate (sorry)
- CoP Mission 4-4: End of mission CS, Tenzen character doesn't load, character stares at floor, Game-Server log says, "Warning Server need NPC 16908431"
- CoP Mission 5-2: After beating Promy-Vahzl, the 3 tarus steal . - looks like it should be Mysterious Amulet but it didn't reference properly, minor.
- CoP Mission 5-3: Three Paths, Ulmia's Path, Shikaree fight in Attohwa Chasm. Big Problem but I can tell you exactly when it happens.
YouTube Link, when Shikaree Z walks out of shot, the CS doesn't advance, it just stays there. I had to resort to skipping the fight by upping the 'COP_Ulmia_s_Path' value from 5 to 6 in Navicat. The following Snoll fight was fine.
- CoP Mission 6-4: Didn't see Tenzen during the fight and lots of CS were missing but I think I read somewhere this is a known issue(?)
- CoP Mission 7-1: When you search the unconscious tarus you find a . (Ducal Guard's Ring doesn't ref)
- CoP Mission 7-1: Wiki says you can view the 3 CS in Tavnazia Safehold in any order but I couldn't view the Walnut Door one first, did the other two first then I could.
- CoP Mission 7-5: Scribbled, 'no CS' I can't remember if it was all or some CS but I watched some or all on YouTube, the one before the Tenzen fight definitely was missing.
- CoP Mission 8-3: I got properly lost in Garden of Ru'Hmet climbing towers and in the end using @pos to get to the Ebon Panels but I'm pretty sure (according to FFXI Wiki) that the race specific key items aren't correct. I'm elvaan and I think I was in the tower of Elvaan but I was awarded Light of Al'Taieu which is Galka. Minor issue and it didn't stop me from progressing.
- Zilart Mission 14: I couldn't get the blank space inside the entrance to Shrine of Ru'Avitau to give me a CS so ended up @addquest Divine Might and completed it that way but then I couldn't get the next CS in the same spot(!) - I realised after looking in the Zones\Shrine of Ru'Avitau\Blank_4.lua script that it was probably because I had already @additem Suppanomimi at the start of the week. This script references DMEarrings so that's probably why both CS didn't play in the first place.
- Zilart Mission 17: CS with Gilgamesh in Norg wouldn't play, you just end up standing in his office but this looks like it has been scripted yet in the Gilgamesh.lua of this zone. I did manage to play it though by finding the previous CS Hex number, changing it to decimal, adding +1 then @cs that number.
- Zilart Mission 17: CS with Aldo in Lower Jeuno, Neptune's Spire wouldn't play. This doesn't work because the zone.lua requests 'player:getVar("ZilartStatus") < 2)' to start the event. This record was missing from my char_vars table so I added it with value of 1 and it worked!
- Shadows of the Departed quest doesn't work but after checking it doesn't look like it's been scripted.
- Ferry from Aht Ughan to Whitegate, endless voyage (again!)

And that's about as far as I've got. Apologies for the wall of text and lack of information with some issues. It's been a huge learning experience this week and it wasn't towards the very end when I started delving in to individual scripts and such to hack the game to make things work that I started to understand how this emulator works. It's an extremely impressive project and I'm eager to look in to more.
Maybe tomorrow though, it's late and I must resume Fatherly duties first thing in the morning. Night all.
EDIT: Ah, there was actually a few things I wanted to ask.
1) How do you view the contents of a BLOB? I see a few of them for my character fields like Missions and Key Items in Navicat but I don't know how to actually see what they contain.
2) Where are the Cutscenes being pulled from? .DAT files in the FFXI directory and is there a list or something of numbers and what they are to help scripting events?