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Recompiling Windows build - issues

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:55 am
by Metalfiiish
So recently I have been getting some new files after building the three exe's. Some new .pdb files. According to google these a re debug files but I have no clue why they have started showing up. What I do know is this:

If these files are in my dsp directory when I go to rebuild the exe's the build fails complaining about the .pdb files not matching. If I delete the .pdb the compile works but then my entire dsp folder breaks, in that it is no longer recognized as an svn folder and I cannot update the folder or pull pull from the svn.

I have to then backup my entire DSP directory, make a new one and set svn checkout to make a new dsp folder and then overwrite it with the backup to resolve. Any ideas?

Re: Recompiling Windows build - issues

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:02 am
by Metalfiiish
Now I noticed that after I get the error when trying to build that the .exe and the .ilk have been deleted but the .pdb still exists.

If I delete that .pdb it builds fine.

Did someone possibly add this in for help on debuggin problems and possibly not set an a property right, that may be preventing the build from deleting the file?

Re: Recompiling Windows build - issues

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:03 am
by diatanato
prebuilding event @del /f /s /q "$(TargetDir)\*.pdb"

Re: Recompiling Windows build - issues

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:33 am
by Metalfiiish
Resolved thanks to the one and only blueKirby.