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Computer was frozen at the character creation screen
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:38 pm
by jackyblack
Hello,I'm new to here and very glad that I got the chance to
plat FFXI again.
I got my FFXI installed(with all expansions) and can connect
to official Dark Test Server( and it works fine
with login by FFXI-boot.
Then I tried to build my own server,followed the Wiki server setup
guidance,finally I had built DSConnect-server and DSGame-server.
Then I started DSConnect-server.exe and DSGame-server.exe,there
is no any error message,and star FFXI-boot(mXI always crashed on
my computer),but computer was frozen at the character creation screen
(to select race) without any error message.(there is no firewall on
my computer).
How can I do to resolve this problem ? Thanks in advance.
Re: Computer was frozen at the character creation screen
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:49 am
by jackyblack
Sorry to bother you guys,I got the server up,just download
all the source code again and build it.
Now I got the other question,the items in Ah are listed from
high lv to low lv,how can I make it from low lv to high lv ?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Computer was frozen at the character creation screen
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:33 pm
by bluekirby0
Open src/search/search.cpp
Inside the function:
Code: Select all
void HandleAuctionHouseRequest(CTCPRequestPacket* PTCPRequest)
you will see the line:
Code: Select all
std::vector<ahItem*> ItemList = PDataLoader->GetAHItemsToCategry(AHCatID);
Below that line add in a function to sort the items inside the ItemList vector in whatever way you like and that should do it for you.
Re: Computer was frozen at the character creation screen
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:51 pm
by jackyblack
Thanks a lot,I saw the code there :
std::vector<ahItem*> ItemList = PDataLoader->GetAHItemsToCategry(AHCatID);
But I have no idea about C++,could you tell me how to revise
the list sequence ?
Re: Computer was frozen at the character creation screen
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:02 pm
by bluekirby0
It'll take more than a few lines of code since what you want to sort by isn't even stored in the vector, so that means cross-referencing with either the database or preferably something already stored in memory. I don't really want to work on this right now but maybe someone else can write a sorting function for you. It'll have to be maintained as a patch unless someone can go ahead and flesh it out into a proper configuration option.
Re: Computer was frozen at the character creation screen
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:02 pm
by jackyblack
I see,thanks anyway.AH items listed as normal way(from low lv to high lv)
on the official Dark test server,so the function not released yet ?
Re: Computer was frozen at the character creation screen
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:28 pm
by whasf
I did it a different way, in the SQL query it is being sorted by descending order, change that to ascending (ASC) and recompile the search server and you'll be all set.
line 110 in dataloader.cpp
Re: Computer was frozen at the character creation screen
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:01 pm
by jackyblack
I got it,thanks a lot for help