hey hey maybe a weird question but is there a way that i can make certain mobs real strong on my server so players will get an area where they can fight with modded weapons and armor.
or is that a core change??
or is there like a lua or other file i can modd so some mobs can be real strong?
greetings michael
is there a way to make normal mobs stronger
is there a way to make normal mobs stronger
Owner/GMLeader mvd1987/michaelvandun Fantasy World International Server
Re: is there a way to make normal mobs stronger
This would be interesting to see, Id like to be on a server with weaker mobs actually. Same exp rate just weaker monsters. I think it would make leveling smoother but still have the same effect. I dont really like speeding through gettin 1000xp a kill.
Re: is there a way to make normal mobs stronger
hp/mp can be changed in mob_groups.sql (probably want to join with mob_pools so you can see the name of them), this would only affect one area
looks like there's str/dex/etc in mob_family_system.sql, but i don't know if that'll do what you want (as it would affect entire families and not just certain ones)
assuming it even does anything (i have no idea)
looks like there's str/dex/etc in mob_family_system.sql, but i don't know if that'll do what you want (as it would affect entire families and not just certain ones)
assuming it even does anything (i have no idea)
Re: is there a way to make normal mobs stronger
hmm thanx
i didnt look into the sql's 
i will take a look and will test it on my server with the team
i will let you all know what will happen
greetings michael

i will take a look and will test it on my server with the team

i will let you all know what will happen

greetings michael
Owner/GMLeader mvd1987/michaelvandun Fantasy World International Server