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Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:12 pm
by tagban
I've tried a few things, tried re-compiling it, attempted to reset SQL server, and other things. I can make a charactor, but as soon as I connect to the gameserver part, it doesn't do anything just sits at downloading data.

I have tried adjusting IP's a few times, first internal,, but I am connecting from another computer on my network so I tried the network IP, then I tried the external IP (and just I used the IP converter). External doesn't appear to work at all for me right now, but I'm convinced thats a router/port forwarding issue (despite setting all ports to forward to the correct computer). I even turned off firewall for a bit on both computers and still no difference.

Is there something I'm missing? I'd be happy to give out my server IP to anyone that is willing to test it, but right now its only getting to the Connect server, and not the game server.

Sorry for the ramble, spent a few hours last night working on this, and re-re-re-re-compiled a few minutes ago to try again. I've even reset all of my settings files, and then tried re-compiling again.

Best Regards,
~John (aka Tagban)

Re: Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:41 pm
by tagban
I may actually be wrong to blame the server, but I am getting Error code: FFXI-3001, this is on a freshly installed client, (2 days ago), fully updated and followed the "Client" guide on the wiki. It just, it connects, allows me to make my charactor, and bam, as soon as it would normally show "Intro" movie welcoming me to Windy it just sits at downloading, I tried about 10 times today without any success.

I then opted to try some of the other darkstar servers, and haven't been able to get into any of them, Some hang @ char creation screen, now I am using mXI on this computer because my C++ Runtimes never seemed to take (not sure why, removed and reinstalled multiple times), but the recommended loader for Darkstar requires it and doesn't work on my computer. Fresh install of Win7 x64.

I'm happy to test further, and would love to help get past this bug not only for my sake, but I'm sure others will/are having this issue as well.

Edit: I have also tried ffxi-boot

Best Regards,

Re: Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:42 pm
by altalus
Ofthen the IP in the zone_settings table is the culprit. I know you said that you did it, but for me it took a few try to get my head around the format :) Check in the tools section of this forum and you'll find a tool that will calculate it for you.

This is especially true if you see the client going from the connect-server but never see anything about the client in the gameserver screen.

Re: Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:31 pm
by tagban
Right, and thats what I figured to, so I went back and re-set all of those settings based on the assumption that I did it wrong, I just set them to the external IP, maybe I can re-tryinternal again.

Re: Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:34 pm
by tagban
So a few things, I did manage to get into the server, but now I'm having crashes randomly, now I'm seeing messages on my server log screen" [Warning] Client cannot receive packet or key is invalid: Bazinga (for my char).

The same thing seems to eventually give me the FFXI-3001 Error. This has been random, when I reset my chars/accounts list, it seems to work for me for a while, othertimes it doesn't..

I have another friend that was able to connect with my server no problem *he uses RETAIL version of FFXI*, but when he kills Mandy's outside of town, he crashes right after killing the mandy, but its from ffxi-boot, mXI_9_1-Darkstar.

Just wondering if anyone has suggestions. I did get the IP address issue straightened out, thanks a lot! Now that I can login to the server I'm happy, And was even able to kill stuff myself (But I reverted my files to the "July" patch as recommended in another post, so I'm guessing thats what my friend's trouble is).

If anyone wants to check it out, I wouldn't mind some ideas (if you packet log and can tell what I'm doing wrong:

Re: Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:24 am
by biboy
I just made a Character in your Server, and I don't see any problem. I guess you probably have tried to play your client in the same computer where your server is? You did set your IP to public, hence I am able to login and play in there. Try using your friend's internet connection and use server's public IP to see if you are able to create a character in your server this way.

Re: Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:11 pm
by bluekirby0
You do have to install the x86 runtimes on a 64-bit copy of windows for ffxi-boot to work. I believe the wiki says to install both if you read carefully. It also mentions that it may make 3-4 tries to log in with a new character for the first time. This is a bug in the blowfish code that is specific to the windows version of the server.

Re: Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:04 am
by tagban
First off, thank you very much for testing Biboy, my issue that I'm having is mostly that on the server side it just keeps saying there is an error and that its sending an invalid packet, on client side, it just sits at "Downloading data" screen after selecting charactor to login.

The only time I had it working was when I set the intro movies to be on, but then I tried turning that back on and it didn't quite work. Should I try to load it up on a *nix server? I have no problem really doing that, other than lack of experience with Linux, but I have a webhost server that I could potentially use.

Re: Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:35 pm
by tagban
The "Exact" message I am seeing on the server is this:
"Info parse (insert like 20+ different packets here)
[Warning] Client cannot receive packet or key is invalid: Ralph" (My char name)

It does ALL packets, it shows "Windurst_Woods" adding to zone, and then after all the error spam, it shows removing from zone.

Any suggestions on what I can look into? I've rebuilt the game server a few times. I'm sure its something with MY client, but i'm not sure what to look at.

Re: Gameserver doesn't appear to function for me

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:19 pm
by whasf
If you have your zone_settings ip set to your external ip and you are trying to connect from your internal computer, your router may not be able to do "hairpinning". Google that term and you'll see what I mean.