No inventory!

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Posts: 74
Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:21 pm

No inventory!

Post by msulli1355 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:57 am

NOTE: This was in Bugs, but after digging around in the forums I deleted it from Bugs and posted it here. It seems more to belong here, as I'm not sure this is a project-wide bug. It's probably just me.

I'm running revision 1581 on a Linux box. I haven't booted into DS in a couple of weeks (family crises), but when I logged in this morning, my inventory did not load at all. I tried to buy from Neigepance in Bastok Mines, but got no message saying that my purchase was added to my inventory. I did not notice if money was subtracted from my purse. Here is what the server output to my terminal window:
michael@carter /home/work/trunk $ ./dsgame
[Status] Memory manager initialised: log/DSP.leaks
[Info] DarkStar - onetimexi - SVN Revision: Unknown.
[Status] do_init: begin server initialization...
[10:15:05][Info] Console Silent Setting: 0 - [OK]
[10:15:05][Status] do_init: map_config is reading - [OK]
[10:15:05][Status] luautils::init:lua initializing... - [OK]
[10:15:05][Status] cmdhandler::init: initializing... - [OK]
[10:15:05][Status] do_init: sqlhandle is allocating - [OK]
[10:15:06][Status] do_init: zlib is reading - [OK]
[10:15:06][Status] do_init: loading items[10:15:06][SQL] DB error - Unknown column 'u.aoe' in 'field list'
- [OK]
[10:15:06][Status] do_init: loading spells[10:15:06][SQL] DB error - Unknown column 'magicBurstMessage' in 'field list'
- [OK]
[10:15:06][Status] do_init: loading zones - [OK]
[10:15:27][Status] do_init: server is binding with port 54230 - [OK]
[10:15:27][Status] The map-server is ready to work...
[10:17:37][Info] mapsession: is coming to world...
[10:17:37][SQL] DB error - Unknown column 'subpower' in 'field list'
[10:17:37][Info] parse: 00A | 0001 0000 2E from user: Michael
[10:17:37][Info] parse: 011 | 0002 0001 04 from user: Michael
[10:17:39][Info] parse: 00C | 0003 0002 06 from user: Michael
[10:17:39][Info] parse: 061 | 0003 0002 02 from user: Michael
[10:17:39][Info] parse: 04B | 0003 0002 0C from user: Michael
[10:17:39][Info] parse: 0E0 | 0003 0002 4C from user: Michael
[10:17:39][Info] parse: 00F | 0003 0002 12 from user: Michael
[10:17:39][Info] parse: 0DB | 0003 0002 14 from user: Michael
[10:17:39][Info] parse: 05A | 0003 0002 02 from user: Michael
[10:17:39][Info] parse: 01A | 0003 0002 08 from user: Michael
[10:17:39][Debug] CLIENT Michael PERFORMING ACTION 14
[10:17:39][Info] parse: 061 | 0003 0002 02 from user: Michael
[10:18:02][Info] parse: 05E | 003B 003A 0C from user: Michael
[10:18:02][Info] Zoning from zone 0 to zone 234: Michael
[10:18:03][Info] parse: 00D | 003C 003B 04 from user: Michael
[10:18:03][Debug] CZone:: Residential_Area DecreaseZoneCounter <0> Michael
[10:18:05][Info] parse: 00A | 0001 0000 2E from user: Michael
[10:18:05][Debug] CZone:: Bastok_Mines IncreaseZoneCounter <1> Michael
[10:18:05][Info] parse: 011 | 0002 0001 04 from user: Michael
[10:18:07][Info] parse: 00C | 0003 0002 06 from user: Michael
[10:18:07][Info] parse: 061 | 0003 0002 02 from user: Michael
[10:18:07][Info] parse: 01A | 0003 0002 08 from user: Michael
[10:18:07][Debug] CLIENT Michael PERFORMING ACTION 14
[10:18:07][Info] parse: 0E0 | 0003 0002 4C from user: Michael
[10:18:07][Info] parse: 00F | 0003 0002 12 from user: Michael
[10:18:07][Info] parse: 0DB | 0003 0002 14 from user: Michael
[10:18:07][Info] parse: 05A | 0003 0002 02 from user: Michael
[10:18:34][Info] parse: 0F2 | 0043 0042 04 from user: Michael
[10:18:37][Info] parse: 01A | 0049 0048 08 from user: Michael
[10:18:37][Error] luautils::OnTrigger: cannot open scripts/zones/Bastok_Mines/npcs/_6ib.lua: No such file or directory
[10:18:37][Debug] CLIENT Michael PERFORMING ACTION 00
[10:18:47][Info] parse: 01A | 005F 005E 08 from user: Michael
[10:18:47][Debug] CLIENT Michael PERFORMING ACTION 00
[10:18:53][Info] parse: 083 | 006C 006B 08 from user: Michael
[10:18:53][Warning] charplugin::AddItem: Item <17307> is not found in a database
[10:19:12][Info] parse: 01A | 0098 0097 08 from user: Michael
[10:19:12][Error] luautils::OnTrigger: cannot open scripts/zones/Bastok_Mines/npcs/_6ib.lua: No such file or directory
[10:19:12][Debug] CLIENT Michael PERFORMING ACTION 00
[10:19:39][Info] parse: 05E | 00D8 00D7 0C from user: Michael
[10:19:39][Info] Zoning from zone 234 to zone 0: Michael
[10:19:39][Info] parse: 00D | 00D9 00D8 04 from user: Michael
[10:19:39][Debug] CZone:: Bastok_Mines DecreaseZoneCounter <0> Michael
[10:19:43][Info] parse: 00A | 0001 0000 2E from user: Michael
[10:19:43][Info] parse: 011 | 0002 0001 04 from user: Michael
[10:19:44][Info] parse: 00C | 0003 0002 06 from user: Michael
[10:19:44][Info] parse: 061 | 0003 0002 02 from user: Michael
[10:19:44][Info] parse: 0E0 | 0003 0002 4C from user: Michael
[10:19:44][Info] parse: 00F | 0003 0002 12 from user: Michael
[10:19:44][Info] parse: 0DB | 0003 0002 14 from user: Michael
[10:19:44][Info] parse: 05A | 0003 0002 02 from user: Michael
[10:19:44][Info] parse: 01A | 0003 0002 08 from user: Michael
[10:19:44][Debug] CLIENT Michael PERFORMING ACTION 14
[10:19:44][Info] parse: 061 | 0003 0002 02 from user: Michael
[10:19:48][Info] parse: 0E7 | 0009 0008 04 from user: Michael
[10:19:49][Info] parse: 00D | 000A 0009 04 from user: Michael
[10:19:49][Debug] CZone:: Residential_Area DecreaseZoneCounter <0> Michael
[10:19:51][Debug] map_close_session: session closed

I am demonstrating this project to a couple of our friends who might be interested in helping with it on Friday. If this problem can't be dealt with by then, could someone please send me commands to revert to a version that doesn't have this problem? I swear DS worked the last time I used it...

Posts: 74
Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:21 pm

Re: No inventory!

Post by msulli1355 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:06 am

Or maybe it doesn't belong here. I thought this was just Troubleshooting, not Setup->Troubleshooting. The server's been set up since June...

Posts: 707
Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:11 am

Re: No inventory!

Post by bluekirby0 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:21 am

Some releavant database tables have changed since the last time you booted up your server. I would suggest reloading any tables that are newer than the revision you loaded your server on originally. If any of the char_ or account tables are modified, check what is different and manually alter the tables so as not to lose data.

Posts: 74
Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:21 pm

Re: No inventory!

Post by msulli1355 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:39 am

I reinstalled everything and it seems to be working now. My AH isn't populated, but it doesn't say Search Failed, so I'm not sure that it's a dssearch problem. Anyway, it's a topic for another thread.

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