lan and wan issues
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:46 pm
post this here becouse of it being something for darkstar
originaly posted on ashita forums.
i found this prog on the darkstar forums.
im trying to use this prog so that i can host a server on my lan for a few friends, and im haveing no luck getting it so that i can connect to my server.
heres the run down of what im trying to acheave
i have a server on a different comp then the client, and i need to be able to connet to said server, and still allow ppl from out side to connect.
heres my conf file for it.
<setting name="boot_command">--server lanip --hairpin --user user --pass password </setting>
so my questions are.
1. dose the --hairpin option still work?
2. if hairpin still works what am i doing wrong?
bluekirby0 post this.
First off, if you edare having trouble getting something specific to a darkstar server working, you have a much better chance of getting help in the darkstar project forums. I made that version of ffxi-boot (with help from atom0s) and it does not come standard with Ashita.
If you are using the --hairpin option you should get green text in the console indicating that the option is active. If you are getting that text and it is still not working, please tell me what version of the client you are using (US/EU/JP). If you are not seeing the green text at all, then you are not using ffxi-boot_mod version 2b
heres my follow up.
im useing US
and yea im seeing the green text saying Hairpinning hack applied!
and thx for the quick reply.
originaly posted on ashita forums.
i found this prog on the darkstar forums.
im trying to use this prog so that i can host a server on my lan for a few friends, and im haveing no luck getting it so that i can connect to my server.
heres the run down of what im trying to acheave
i have a server on a different comp then the client, and i need to be able to connet to said server, and still allow ppl from out side to connect.
heres my conf file for it.
<setting name="boot_command">--server lanip --hairpin --user user --pass password </setting>
so my questions are.
1. dose the --hairpin option still work?
2. if hairpin still works what am i doing wrong?
bluekirby0 post this.
First off, if you edare having trouble getting something specific to a darkstar server working, you have a much better chance of getting help in the darkstar project forums. I made that version of ffxi-boot (with help from atom0s) and it does not come standard with Ashita.
If you are using the --hairpin option you should get green text in the console indicating that the option is active. If you are getting that text and it is still not working, please tell me what version of the client you are using (US/EU/JP). If you are not seeing the green text at all, then you are not using ffxi-boot_mod version 2b
heres my follow up.
im useing US
and yea im seeing the green text saying Hairpinning hack applied!
and thx for the quick reply.