Losing Airship Passes/Chocobo License

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Losing Airship Passes/Chocobo License

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:42 am

I haven't had this happen to me, and I have yet to hear anything that confirms it one way or another, but I've heard mumblings that people have lost their airship/chocobo passes for seemingly no reason. Basically, I'm looking for hard data instead of "that happened to a friend of a friend of a friend on the night of the full moon..."

At first I chalked it up to keyitem IDs possibly changing, but they're still correct, which I decided to check tonight.

I'm not too worried about servers where they're given out by an NPC and players saying "I didn't get mine." That could be a scripting error. I'm more interested in any reports of "I used to have one, but now I don't," especially if you remember what you did recently as far as quests, NPCs, or mob kills.

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Re: Losing Airship Passes/Chocobo License

Post by Troak » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:38 am

It has happened to me and to several others playing on viper's server (where we had the key items for airship pass/airship pass to kazham/chocobo license and then they disappeared). I feel like it usually happens after a server crash. After logging out or disconnecting myself and coming back a few times, they will eventually reappear.

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