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Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:56 pm
by Affliction
Not sure if this is the right place to post this so I apologize. I set up my pc as a server just so I could revisit ff11. Everything has been working great up until I try zone into Tahrongi Canyon by tele spell, gm command or just walking there. I've tried to delete some stuff out of the player.lua because thats where the log was pointing to for the error. It would work for a moment and then I would crash. I'm not very savvy with the programming but here is what the log is saying.

[21:28:31][1;37m[Info][0m [1;37mmapsession[0m:[1;37m127.0.0.1[0m:[1;37m54090[0m is coming to world...
[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (496) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (528) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (544) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (560) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (576) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (592) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (608) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (497) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (512) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (513) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (529) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (545) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (561) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (577) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (593) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (609) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (611) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (514) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (546) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (530) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (498) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (580) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (562) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (594) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (531) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (610) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (515) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (564) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (547) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (578) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (532) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (595) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (612) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (516) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (499) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (548) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (563) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (579) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (596) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (517) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (500) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (533) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (549) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (565) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (581) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (597) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (613) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (501) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (518) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (534) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (550) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (566) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (582) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (598) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m [1;31mhasBit: value (614) is out of range
[0m[21:28:31][1;31m[Error][0m luautils::OnGameIn: scripts/globals/player.lua:257: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 18) near '<eof>'
[21:28:31][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0001 0000 2E from user: Majin
[21:28:31][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mCZone:: Tahrongi_Canyon IncreaseZoneCounter <1> Majin

Re: Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:14 pm
by Affliction
It's fixed now I think. I just removed the player.lua file and I didn't drop. Not sure what the problem was exactly but I can just edit in nav.

Re: Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:27 pm
by Affliction
Nevermind, still crashing there.

Re: Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:23 pm
by kjLotus
well that's not good

are you 1000% sure your server's been compiled to latest and all your tables are up to date?

Re: Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:35 pm
by Affliction
I've only had it going for a couple of days. (since the 30th) didn't even think to recompile. I'll give it a go and see what happens.

Re: Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:44 am
by PrBlahBlahtson

int32 addKeyItem(CCharEntity* PChar, uint16 KeyItemID)
return addBit(KeyItemID, PChar->keys.keysList, sizeof(PChar->keys.keysList));

int32 addBit(uint16 value, uint8* BitArray, uint32 size)
if (!hasBit(value, BitArray, size) && (value < size * 8))
BitArray[value >> 3] |= (1 << (value % 8));
return 1;
return 0;

int32 hasBit(uint16 value, uint8* BitArray, uint32 size)
if (value >= size * 8)
ShowError(CL_RED"hasBit: value (%u) is out of range\n" CL_RESET, value);
return 0;
return (int32)(BitArray[value >> 3] & (1 << (value % 8)));

C:\dsp\src\map\charutils.cpp(2175): return addBit(SpellID, PChar->m_SpellList, sizeof(PChar->m_SpellList));
C:\dsp\src\map\charutils.cpp(2196): return addBit(AbilityID, PChar->m_LearnedAbilities, sizeof(PChar->m_LearnedAbilities));
C:\dsp\src\map\charutils.cpp(2217): return addBit(Title, PChar->m_TitleList, sizeof(PChar->m_TitleList));
C:\dsp\src\map\charutils.cpp(2238): return addBit(AbilityID, PChar->m_Abilities, sizeof(PChar->m_Abilities));
C:\dsp\src\map\charutils.cpp(2259): return addBit(WeaponSkillID, PChar->m_WeaponSkills, sizeof(PChar->m_WeaponSkills));
C:\dsp\src\map\charutils.cpp(2280): return addBit(TraitID, PChar->m_TraitList, sizeof(PChar->m_TraitList));
C:\dsp\src\map\charutils.cpp(2300): return addBit(AbilityID, PChar->m_PetCommands, sizeof(PChar->m_PetCommands));


Checked a crash dump from whasf's server, happened twice while people were logging in with lots of crazy values being thrown about, between...

Code: Select all

[0m[15:06:00][1;37m[Info][0m [1;37mmapsession[0m:[1;37m208.54.40.173[0m:[1;37m9555[0m is coming to world...
Errors here
[0m[15:06:00][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mlinkshell:AddOnlineMember <90>
[0m[15:06:00][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0001 0000 2E from user: Delayedaru
[15:06:00][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mCZone:: Bastok_Mines IncreaseZoneCounter <1> Delayedaru 
Message comes from AddOnlineMember, which is only called in a packet or LoadInventory.

LoadInventory is called in one place.

recv_parse, which is character login, and which has been crashing the server with all kinds of wacky, random values.

Re: Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:15 am
by kjLotus
oh.. i'll look at it when i get home today then

Re: Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:33 pm
by lautan
Anyone looking into this?

Re: Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:48 pm
by kjLotus
lautan wrote:Anyone looking into this?
don't think i ever looked at it

Re: Tahrongi Canyon crash

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:18 am
by PrBlahBlahtson
itt, SMN pacts drove getMerit insane.