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Zilart mission 4

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 9:33 am
by gedads
Hi, on my server the ZM4 bcnm is displayed like that: ...

on dsp trunk it lacks a lot of the mission, you should correct that, since it's just script related. (no need to capture packet or anything just arrange the script with 4 or 5 lines).

Re: Zilart mission 4

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:43 pm
by PrBlahBlahtson
The long pause lead to constant bug reports, which is why it was just easier to kill it.

This one seems to handle it via zoning, which I've never seen before while trying to puzzle out the problem. Throwing it in as an odd outlier. I'm sure a hacky solution could be made this way using char_vars and such.

Others show why there's something missing from our system. The transition between cut scenes is smooth, quick, and there's no zoning involved at all. -- Used this one to populate the entire cutscene ages ago. Learned a lot about look data from it. My data was wrong, the pXI stuff is there now.

It's a great cutscene, it's important, and I hate that it's not there. But between ZM4 and the opening for The Shadow Lord, it's clear that our BCNM system is lacking something when it comes to handling complex cutscenes. I'd rather see the BCNM/cutscene system fixed and working correctly than have the whole thing worked around like all the other things we're having to dust off and clean up.