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Spikes dealing damage even with Stoneskin on

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:27 am
by bacardi
Hey guys, just noticed that spikes from mobs are dealing damage even with stoneskin buff on, I don't think that's correct? Should be taking off damage off the stoneskin buff until it wears off from total damage dealt. I think that was the way it worked in retail? Cheers

Re: Spikes dealing damage even with Stoneskin on

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:48 pm
by beefypotatoes
Just wanted to add that the problem works both ways. Fighting a monster with stoneksin up (like a crab), en-spells go right through it. I confirmed it wasn't just a display issue when a crab used stoneskin and my next attack killed it (0 hit + 4 from en-spell).