Code: Select all
damage = player:getMeleeHitDamage(target);
-- Returns -1 on miss
printf("Damage: %u",damage);
if(damage == -1 or damage == 0 or damage > 65000) then
-- Return miss message how? Try passing -1 eventually.
return 0;
return damage;
Yes, even with my "damage > 65k."
I've also tried return -1, which did the same thing.
First half still stands, I'd like to know if that's expected behavior. I'll report it properly if it's not.
Second half... yeesh. Don't sweat that too much. Jump needs a dedicated core function. Just... there would be so many missing caveats to regular behavior with getMeleeHitDamage. Dual-wielding, TP return, crits, en-spell damage, additional effects, gear modifying all of that... I can dump my research/code somewhere if someone wants to pick the baton up, but it needs a core function and I can't code that. Sorry. I better understand why nobody's coded Jump now.