in the lobby server there is a for loop that is requesting how many content IDs the player has. they have set it to default 16, how ever slot 5 10 and 15 do not work and if you have more then 14 chars it crash's the server and the lobby server, because i believe the size is wrong.
so go to your lobby server code and modify the content ids for loop here is what you are looking for
Code: Select all
for(int j = 0; j<16; ++j)
memcpy(CharList+32+140*j, ReservePacket+32, 140);
char ContentID[3];
memcpy(ContentID, CharList+32, sizeof(ContentID));
ContentID[2] += j;
memcpy(CharList+32+140*j, &ContentID, 3);
memcpy(uList+16*(j+1),&ContentID, 3);
and set it to 4 that will stop it from crashing and never get to the first slot that is bad.
or set it to 1 so they can only have one player account. you will have lots of problems when you delete and create and login with many getting stuck at download screen
Code: Select all
for(int j = 0; j<1; ++j)
memcpy(CharList+32+140*j, ReservePacket+32, 140);
char ContentID[3];
memcpy(ContentID, CharList+32, sizeof(ContentID));
ContentID[2] += j;
memcpy(CharList+32+140*j, &ContentID, 3);
memcpy(uList+16*(j+1),&ContentID, 3);
so if you set it to one you at least limit the problem down to one problem at a time!
good luck best of luck to you.