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CoP Mission Promyvions

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:09 pm
by thehsalim
Unable to get the BCNM fights started for promyvion-holla and promyvion-mea. Dem works fine. Anyone know how to fix this?

Re: CoP Mission Promyvions

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:57 pm
by sahaly
have you already the key item LIGHT_OF_HOLLA and LIGHT_OF_MEA on your character ?

there have only two requirements to start bcnm:
- be at the mission THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS
- not have the key item :

Code: Select all

	elseif(Zone == 17) then --Spire of Holla
	    if(player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS and player:hasKeyItem(LIGHT_OF_HOLLA) == false) then -- light of holla
	        mask = GetBattleBitmask(768,Zone,1);
	elseif(Zone == 19) then --Spire of Dem
	    if(player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS and player:hasKeyItem(LIGHT_OF_DEM) == false) then -- light of dem
	        mask = GetBattleBitmask(800,Zone,1);
	elseif(Zone == 21) then --Spire of Mea
	    if(player:getCurrentMission(COP) == THE_MOTHERCRYSTALS and player:hasKeyItem(LIGHT_OF_MEA) == false) then -- light of mea
	        mask = GetBattleBitmask(832,Zone,1);
	elseif(Zone =