DK Blood Weapon+Souleater & Multi hit Weapons.

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DK Blood Weapon+Souleater & Multi hit Weapons.

Post by Calamity » Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:15 pm

Since on my DK for now i can equip only Mecurial Kris i ll speak about this weapon.
First of all i noticed that while i hold this dagger in main hand and use Blood Weapon i loose like 99% of melee accuracy on 2nd and 3rd hit. While w/o Blood Weapon accuracy on procs is ok.
Second and most important, on procs of this dagger while under souleater and blood weapon you restore HP only on 1st or last hit when you should restore HP on every hit.
Here is video. To see how "Blood Weapon" fails to proc on multi hits start watching from .40 second. And Pease!!! Notice how boosted back my Accuracy after Bloodweapon effect wears off and Soul eater still up!!! ...
Idk about yet but pretty sure it got the same problem.
So : Minus Acc after 1st hit and no HP for each hit while under souleater and blood weapon. Someone with GM console, please test it more careful since its hard to test 2hrs for regular players.

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Re: DK Blood Weapon+Souleater & Multi hit Weapons.

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:32 pm

Does Blood Weapon actually work? I mean, I know it gives you a buff, and I think it might even animate properly, but does it actually absorb HP yet?

On a different note, Blood Weapon is handled like an En-spell at the moment, so... this all applies.

Hmm, I know Blood Weapon weaves through the enspell code, even though the mechanics are quite different. I'm getting a LUA error in my console if I just try to pop it.

Edit edit:
Hmm, strange. I had the trunk version of Blood Weapon (allegedly,) yet it couldn't find doEnspell because it didn't include magic.lua.

Anyway, so what you're ultimately reporting equates to "an enspell returns odd messages and generally doesn't work right with multi-hit scenarios."

Bug #6.

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Re: DK Blood Weapon+Souleater & Multi hit Weapons.

Post by Lithorn » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:05 pm

Blood Weapon works on a first hit only basis which is a bug as its supposed to give HP equal to the damage of all your physical hits (Unsure on Weapon skills, I don't think they count). I have also noticed that it does not work with multi-hit weapons and even has an adverse effect depending if the weapon is mainhanded or offhanded. I have tried this so far with only Krakken Club and will psot what i did below.

Upon using Blood Weapon with An Axe and a Krakken Club in my offhand, Only the axe was taken into calculation. Any hits from kclub did not count. Upon further inspection my hits with the club during the 2 hour, suffered to the extream. Accuracy dropped down by about half.

Upon using Blood weapon with Krakken Club as the primary weapon, Only the first initial hit counted for Bloods Effect. My offhand, despite striking, did not count for me. Most of the hits with kclub missed after receiving the effect of blood weapon on the first hit.

I will be making a post of what I have found to be issues with the job Dark, I am only speaking from my own experiences

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Re: DK Blood Weapon+Souleater & Multi hit Weapons.

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:42 pm

I'll repeat myself.

Bug #6.

Please recall that the bug forum is for discussing bugs, not for reporting them.

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