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Bazaar Sales

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 7:36 pm
by tagban
Went to buy an Autumnstone from a bazaar on my server, and it paid the other person but didn't give it to me (I don't have any in my posession). I tried other items, and had same result, he tried buying from mine and had same result at first.. It this common issue? or known? Or just screwed up on my side?

It also appears on my side when someone buys something "Mcsigui bought 99 .", as you can see, a space between the period and where the item name should be? This was compiled last night.

Re: Bazaar Sales

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 9:21 pm
by kjLotus
might be something in bazaar packets changed recently, its not really something that we immediately check on clients updates.. and i just closed my 2 pol instances :(

Re: Bazaar Sales

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 10:30 pm
by tagban
Well being a GM and all, I just gave him back his item with command (Cause it left his posession). This was an Autumnstone, so not sure what happened exactly, I bought it for 99,999,999, maiunly just to scare him.. and was gonna give it right back.. needless to say, had to go get item ID.

Re: Bazaar Sales

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 7:26 am
by nasomi
I have lots of people bazaar and no one has said anything about that. Bazaar messages have always said "Name bought ." without hte item name.