Having an issue where selecting certain pages causes characters to freeze. It happens at the point where the book starts to list the mobs on that page. They can type, @warp, etc, but they cannot move otherwise. As far as I know we have not made any customization to these books, or to the mobs they are affecting.
This one's easy: Pages 4 and 5 in Valley of Sorrows. Those pages shouldn't exist per the wiki page (http://ffxiclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Field_Manual), so obviously they just need to be edited out.
However, that doesn't explain why page 8 does the same thing in Eldieme Necropolis. (http://ffxiclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Grounds_Tome)
Has anyone else encountered this problem, and have a solution? Or, could you tell me where field manual/grounds tome information is stored in the server so I can have my coder team take a look at it?
I appreciate any information anyone might have. Thanks!
Some Field Manual/Grounds Tome pages freezing characters
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