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SE update stikes again!.....I think

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:28 am
by Crosine
Hey everyone.

I am finally all moved in to my new place and back working again on my server. After moving everything over to a new rig as my old dinosaur finally decided to croak on me, I have noticed something weird when creating a new character and even when setting my home point from exiting my mog house. After creation and the opening initial cutscene starts, my newly created character always appears as a chocobo once the npc dialog begins, and remains that way after the game opens up until I zone into a new area. I assume this may be an issue with the npc ID's being shifted around with recent updates but cannot be 100% certain. I apologize if this wasn't suppose to be posted here but I wanted to get feedback from others to ascertain if in fact it is a bona fide bug or something bunked up on my server before posting it in the github bug forum. Thanks for all your hard work and hope to hear back from you all soon. ^^

p.s. I had initially modified lobby.cpp to force all new characters to spawn in the port zones for the respective towns, but to rule that out I changed it back to the original unmodified lobby.cpp wherein the issue persisted.

Re: SE update stikes again!.....I think

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:01 pm
by whasf
SE just had an update, we haven't yet updated the GitHub code/sql with whatever changes they made.

Re: SE update stikes again!.....I think

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:10 pm
by kjLotus
Looks fine to me. Something of yours is probably not updated (server, client, ashita/windower plugins)

Re: SE update stikes again!.....I think

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:58 am
by Crosine
Thanks for the replies KJ and Whasf. I figured it was along the lines of SE's update but just to rule out any problems on my end I did a full reinstall from scratch and the problem seems to have been resolved. I must have botched something up when transferring everything over to the new rig. Thanks again for the replies and hope to chat soon.