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COP Mission 2-5

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:05 pm
by buddysievers
hello i wanted to continue cop missions and at monarch linn the bcnm doesnt start.
i mean when i trigger the displacement it doesnt show anything like an npc which is not implemented yet but in the scripts there are the bcnm and the displacement npc also...
please help

Re: COP Mission 2-5

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:22 pm
by sahaly

-back to Tavnazian_Safehold
-update your server
-do these two following step :

Head for the Dilapidated Gate at (F-7) of Misareaux Coast.
After receiving a cutscene at the gate, pass through and go straight forward to the Spatial Displacement located at (D-6). You will receive another cutscene and enter Riverne - Site #A01.

that should resolve your problem