NPC CS Organizer

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NPC CS Organizer

Post by thrydwolf » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:19 am

Howdy! I found it cumbersome to take the CS IDs and then covert them manually to Hex when creating quests. I like them in Decimal so I can use @cs xxx as GM to quickly test them, but then need Hex for "player:startEvent(0x19E);". To this end, I setup a simple datasheet in Google docs to help me out. This is also great because I take the output block in column D and paste it into the NPC LUA so that all my CS testing can be used by the next person to code a quest for that NPC.

  1. Copy a block of CS IDs including the NPC names from Event IDs listed here
  2. Past it into cell A2 of the FFXI NPC CS Organizer datasheet
  3. Copy column D into NPC LUA (it will show up as comments which is what we want).
  4. Update the "???" with the details of each CS as tested.
  5. Leave in CS data and comments in LUA so once committed, others can benefit from your research

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