Howdy! I found it cumbersome to take the
CS IDs and then covert them manually to Hex when creating quests. I like them in Decimal so I can use @cs xxx as GM to quickly test them, but then need Hex for "player:startEvent(0x19E);". To this end, I setup a simple datasheet in Google docs to help me out. This is also great because I take the output block in column D and paste it into the NPC LUA so that all my CS testing can be used by the next person to code a quest for that NPC.
- Copy a block of CS IDs including the NPC names from Event IDs listed here
- Past it into cell A2 of the FFXI NPC CS Organizer datasheet
- Copy column D into NPC LUA (it will show up as comments which is what we want).
- Update the "???" with the details of each CS as tested.
- Leave in CS data and comments in LUA so once committed, others can benefit from your research