DSP Web interface
DSP Web interface
Hello, my name is [Ex0r], and some of you who are familiar with PXI may know me. I was one of the lead developers for tools for PXI when it was around. I also maintained the website and the wiki and forums.
I was in charge of working on a project called PXI-Web, which was a web interface for PXI accounts. Well, I found the original source for it, and decided to port it to DarkStar, so I now present to you, my new WIP:
Please note, that this was originally made for PXI, so any references to PXI need to be changed over. Also note, that alot of it currently doesn't work, but it's a live demo and is being worked on every single day, so just check back later and see if it's working.
Feel free to post any bugs in this forum, but please read the 'WHATS WORKING' and 'WHATS NOT WORKING' before submitting bugs.
Live Demo: http://ex0r.dyndns.org:81/~pxiweb/ (You can use your dspt public server info to login, or create a new account for testing)
Login is 100% working, so you can login and store your login credentials
Registration is 100% working, so you can create a new account
Character view - Only the main character view page is working (The page that shows your characters you have on your account)
Character creation is 100% working
Everything else!
I will update this forum as more stuff works, please give me your feedback and please report any bugs so I can get them working!
I was in charge of working on a project called PXI-Web, which was a web interface for PXI accounts. Well, I found the original source for it, and decided to port it to DarkStar, so I now present to you, my new WIP:
Please note, that this was originally made for PXI, so any references to PXI need to be changed over. Also note, that alot of it currently doesn't work, but it's a live demo and is being worked on every single day, so just check back later and see if it's working.
Feel free to post any bugs in this forum, but please read the 'WHATS WORKING' and 'WHATS NOT WORKING' before submitting bugs.
Live Demo: http://ex0r.dyndns.org:81/~pxiweb/ (You can use your dspt public server info to login, or create a new account for testing)
Login is 100% working, so you can login and store your login credentials
Registration is 100% working, so you can create a new account
Character view - Only the main character view page is working (The page that shows your characters you have on your account)
Character creation is 100% working
Everything else!
I will update this forum as more stuff works, please give me your feedback and please report any bugs so I can get them working!
Last edited by ex0r on Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: DSP Web interface
This is a great tool. What happened, seems to be down?
Re: DSP Web interface
It should be back up and running now. I am hosting it on my home connection as a test server, and my net was down for the last couple of days.
Re: DSP Web interface
I have an update for you to show you what is currently working. I am doing a live-server test on it and working on it from there, so what is implemented on the live server is what's implemented in DSP-Web. What features would you guys like to see? Now is the chance to give me your insight before the first release or it may be a while before it makes it in! use demo/demo as the username/password to log in and try the system out! use demo/demo as the username/password to log in and try the system out!
Re: DSP Web interface
Thanks ex0r! Looks great so far.
I think some great features would be some options to fix stuck character (i.e. @pos them to HP or zone entrance), or clear a hung login session.
Also, would be nice have an option to see only my items on the AH, because I have hope that eventually the Simulate AH script will be able to sell character items instead of just delete them, to help simulate a full economy with just a small set of players: http://forums.dspt.info/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19
Another nice feature would be some server stats..
- Current Online Characters (list)
- Total Characters (with a link to a list)
- Characters online in last 24 hours / week / month (with links to a list)
Ability to see online character bazaar messages / zones they are in.
Some ideas that may not be so feasible:
- Ability to message characters through /tell or /linkshell of the linkshell equipped on character that is linked to web login
- This is a little on the far end, but it would be cool to shop the AH on web interface while at work, buy gear (using character inventory / gil), and then use that gear that night from the delivery box.
I will see if I can think of some more. Thanks!!!
I think some great features would be some options to fix stuck character (i.e. @pos them to HP or zone entrance), or clear a hung login session.
Also, would be nice have an option to see only my items on the AH, because I have hope that eventually the Simulate AH script will be able to sell character items instead of just delete them, to help simulate a full economy with just a small set of players: http://forums.dspt.info/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19
Another nice feature would be some server stats..
- Current Online Characters (list)
- Total Characters (with a link to a list)
- Characters online in last 24 hours / week / month (with links to a list)
Ability to see online character bazaar messages / zones they are in.
Some ideas that may not be so feasible:
- Ability to message characters through /tell or /linkshell of the linkshell equipped on character that is linked to web login
- This is a little on the far end, but it would be cool to shop the AH on web interface while at work, buy gear (using character inventory / gil), and then use that gear that night from the delivery box.
I will see if I can think of some more. Thanks!!!
Re: DSP Web interface
Thanks for the reply, thryd, let me answer your questions, hopefully I get them all.thrydwolf wrote:Thanks ex0r! Looks great so far.
I think some great features would be some options to fix stuck character (i.e. @pos them to HP or zone entrance), or clear a hung login session.
Also, would be nice have an option to see only my items on the AH, because I have hope that eventually the Simulate AH script will be able to sell character items instead of just delete them, to help simulate a full economy with just a small set of players: http://forums.dspt.info/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19
Another nice feature would be some server stats..
- Current Online Characters (list)
- Total Characters (with a link to a list)
- Characters online in last 24 hours / week / month (with links to a list)
Ability to see online character bazaar messages / zones they are in.
Some ideas that may not be so feasible:
- Ability to message characters through /tell or /linkshell of the linkshell equipped on character that is linked to web login
- This is a little on the far end, but it would be cool to shop the AH on web interface while at work, buy gear (using character inventory / gil), and then use that gear that night from the delivery box.
I will see if I can think of some more. Thanks!!!
first off, in regards to the AH. The web system is/was never meant to be used for a full fledged management system, and the AH was never really meant to be in it at all, it was added as a basic feature per request from one of the testers to view ah items. Eventually, search filters will be implemented into it, but since it's not a priority feature it's being pushed to one of the back burners.
If you click on the 'regional info' link on the demo site, you will see a list of online characters, including their current job, race, level and their current in-game area.
As for being able to view all characters on the realm, I didn't include this as a feature for several reasons, one being spam/abuse. I limited it to the possibility of only viewing online characters and your own characters.
NOTE TO ABOVE: There is an administration panel that goes along with this interface (which will be worked on once dsp-web interface is stable enough for general use), which will allow GM's and administrators to view ALL accounts and ALL characters that are on the server.
As for the bazaar messages, those will be available in two flavors:
in the 'characters' page, by clicking 'view character' after selecting one of your own characters, or:
in the 'regional info' page, by clicking 'view character' after selecting an online character.
Thanks for your input, and please keep the ideas coming!
EDIT: It appears I missed a question regarding in-game /tells. Currently, the system uses ONLY the database for interfacing with your dsp server, and since /tells are handled by the client and server directly, there isn't a way to implement this. Later, if the DSP team decides to incorporate 'in-game messages', and store the messages to the database, this feature may be added as a way to send in-game mail to other users or yourself.
Re: DSP Web interface
Thanks ex0r. I will see if I can think of any more ideas for you.
Re: DSP Web interface
Would this be something like PlayOnline messages? Speaking of, did anybody use PlayOnline Plus?ex0r wrote:Later, if the DSP team decides to incorporate 'in-game messages', and store the messages to the database, this feature may be added as a way to send in-game mail to other users or yourself.

Re: DSP Web interface
I am not sure how the DSP team plans to handle in-game messaging, or if they even do. Whatever they decide to do, I will be ready to incorporate it into DSP-Web.xipies wrote:Would this be something like PlayOnline messages? Speaking of, did anybody use PlayOnline Plus?ex0r wrote:Later, if the DSP team decides to incorporate 'in-game messages', and store the messages to the database, this feature may be added as a way to send in-game mail to other users or yourself.