Client Loader

Applications/Tools written to make running DarkStar easier for the rest of us.
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Client Loader

Post by bluekirby0 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:44 am

Moved from the old forums (tool by Acidfang)
Acidfang wrote:I have made a GUI loader for ffxi-boot and mXI (compatible 100% with DSP version)
options won't appear if they are not valid for you.

Usage :

Extract into a folder.
copy ffxi-boot AND mXI files & folders to the same place as the client loader (or put loader into mXIfolder)

if you only want to use ffxi-boot then ignore the mXI file copy, and same with mXI.
if the radio buttons are greyed out, that means the exe are not in the right place.

What it does:

When changing resolution, it changes FFXI res also.
If "Run as pol.exe" is checked it will make a copy of the exe and name it pol.exe and launch it (for 3rd party app compatibility)
that's about it


- new features
loaders can be anywhere (you have to tell the app where they are)
launches loader as admin (I think!)
better management of multiple clients
resolution is taken from registry aswell as background res
background res is now configuarble
More fixes, gets settings correctly from FFXI reg
If it is crashing on you, open up Settings.ini and change "EU" to your installed FFXI version (US or JP).
DSP Client
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