DSP Server Control application

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by Delaide » Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:00 am



Lobby Server == Game Server == Search Server
msg server == Database Map == Nothing much

Basically, all messages feed back to the lobby, while all database specific items feed back to Game.

For example, if I set up:
PC1: Lobby
PC2: Map
PC3: Search

I would need to route all msg IPs (in Lobby and Map) to PC1 IP address (msg_server_ip:
I would put the database to PC2 and ensure all my mysql information matches the PC2 settings (host, port, login, password, database in all three server config files), and then any search server information (Although, I only see search server port, I don't see any search server IP) routes to PC3. But, where would you forward the search stuff to, since there is nothing that routes to search server? Or, with the way it is currently configured, can search server (without re-writing the code) only be on PC1 or PC2?

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by kjLotus » Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:41 am

i don't remember the specifics of the search server, i think it has to be on the same IP as the lobby

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by Delaide » Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:48 pm

kjLotus wrote:i don't remember the specifics of the search server, i think it has to be on the same IP as the lobby
Thanks. So it sounds like at most, I have a potential of two PC IPs to worry about. Map and Lobby. Everything else I link to those.

I have a few features implemented now in the application, if you would like to try it a little and let me know your feedback. Obviously, the code is rough, but it does what I want it to for now. I am trying to minimize some code as I go, when I can, but currently just trying to get it all working. At least up to the point of server configuration.

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by kjLotus » Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:49 pm

well, technically the max IPs would be 282 IPs (one for lobby, one for mysql database, then 280 more, 1 for each zone)

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by Delaide » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:28 am

Hmm, no idea how I would even start breaking that apart. But, I notice in the normal conf files, you cannot split that up like that. Would you need to modify the actual server code for that? Anyways, for now, I will approach the project as if everything is on the same PC. Since this is more for my own use, if someone wants to break that up, they can.

I do have a few other questions though.

Code: Select all

exp_party_gap_penalties: 1
fov_party_gap_penalties: 1
Are these a 1/0 setting? You have penalties, or not? Or, are these the for the actual gap in the levels? Like, 1 level difference before penalties?
Just trying to figure if these are a bool command, or a math command. So, could a user put in 2, or 3?

Also, this:

Code: Select all

exp_retain: 0
I assume this is a % multiplier? So .5 will mean you only lose half the exp you normally would? Can you go above 1 with this? So if I want my character to lose 200%, can I mark 2?

Code: Select all

Would this basically be the same as:

Code: Select all

ENABLE_COP     = 1;
ENABLE_ACP     = 1;
ENABLE_AMK     = 1;
ENABLE_ASA     = 1;
ENABLE_SOA     = 1;
Is there anything different if I automatically have my app toggle the restrict off if users select all expansions?

Code: Select all

- I am confused about this one. There are 5 earrings, so I always set to 5 so I can have 1 of each earring. However, is this correct, or does this block you from having more than 1 of a specific earring, like hey, you cannot have 2 Abyssal Earring. Since they are rare/ex, this one makes no sense other than not letting you collect up all 5 earrings.

Last, do we know the numbers that break the server? I am hardcoding those in that I know (For example, you cannot set player maximum level above 255), but do we know the others, or is it just test until we find a number that breaks the server.
For example, how high can I set

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

SAN_FAME   = 1.000;
before I break something? I realize that if I make it easy for people to just click an up arrow for a while, that some people might set it to limits that will break something.

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by Delaide » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:28 am

For some reason, this double posted.

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by kjLotus » Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:50 am

you break them up by configuring the IPs in the zone_settings table

fov/gov penalties are 1/0 pretty sure

exp retain i have no idea, check the source for it

restrict expansion off is the same as all enables on, yes

number of DM earrings is how many earrings you can get. 5 means you can get all 5, 1 (which is retail), means you can only get 1 of the 5 earrings.

the maximum number for any of those will be the maximum number of whatever its data type is in the source. uint8 -> 255, uint16 -> 65535, etc.

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by Delaide » Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:08 am

Made some changes based on jk's responses, and added in more configurations.

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by Delaide » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:02 pm

So, a quick question for anyone who has used my application: What do you think about it?
My concern is the configurables. I have been back and forth on if I should put them on pages just as they are in the folders (Making only a map_darkstar.conf, login_darkstar.conf, search_server.conf, and settings.lua), or if I should keep them split up in terms of categories (Expansions, database, character settings, etc). I am wondering if I made it a bit too difficult to find the proper settings by breaking them up into different categories, rather than just the normal configurable setup.

Anyways, please let me know what you think. I made it for me, but, I would like a useful application for anyone who wishes to use it, not just one all about what I want.

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Re: DSP Server Control application

Post by Delaide » Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:22 am

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I have all configurables set up and tested. Now, you can configure your confs and settings.lua from DSP-Control panel, launch Ashita, launch the servers, shut them down, restart. Be warned though, two of the configurables are my custom modifications, and will not do anything unless you recompile your server after changing them.

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