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Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:21 am
by t123456
This program will connect to and return active prices from the Bahamut Server.
It stores the information in PriceList.xml
It Requires HTMLAgilityPack.DLL to run (from Codeplex)
Settings (in FFXI.AH.PriceGrabber.exe.config)
  • Web_Links - List of the diffrent item types.
    Web_FFXIAHURL - URL to connect to.
    ErrorMode - set to 0, if there is a problem, exit out. 1 will cancel that item type but continue.
    OutputFileName - the File to save that fun stuff to. (Default: PriceList.xml)
Usage: If you want updated Price Info, Run once a day / Week.

This Program serves two jobs. First it will add items from the PriceList to the auction house. Secondly it will buy items that are cheaper than the price history and put the money in your delivery box.
It Requires MySql.Data.dll
Settings (in FFXI.AH.Broker.exe.Config)
  • PriceList - The List of Items (and Buy/Sell Prices) to sell in the auction House. Created with PriceGrabber.
    PriceListOptional - Some items have a value of 0 for the price. the system will ignore this items. Add them here with a good price to sell those items.
    PriceCutoff - Min Gil to sell the item. Meaning if the Price is less than PriceCutoff, do not try to put it in the Auction House.
    MySQL_ConnectionString - This is where you put your relevant MySql info. port 3306 is assumed. If you need it changed, let me know.
    MySQL_AuctionTable - the Auction House table in SQL.
    MaxItemCount - I should have named this different but oh well. This is the number of Items that the AuctionMoogle [:)] will keep in the auction house at any given time. So if somebody buys something, the program will add it back in up to the max number.
    SellerName - the name of the Seller.

Command Line:
  • once - Will only run once and then exit.
    dump - will delete everything in the auction_house table and start from fresh. this is good to do if its your first run.
The program is meant to run all the time, and executes every minute (buying and selling). if you update the Pricelist, then restart Broker to use the new values.

Note: if you ran the other auction program, use the dump command or else the delivery box for that auction sender will get full and I don't know if it will cause an error.

whasf wrote:Great thanks! It looks like you hardcoded "dspdb" as the database name though, that could cause problems. May want to move that out into the config file for people that have their db named differently.
Thanks! Updated the app. Funny thing is there is a setting for the connection string, but dumb me forgot to remove the dspdb in the code on a few tables.

Re: Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:53 pm
by whasf
Great thanks! It looks like you hardcoded "dspdb" as the database name though, that could cause problems. May want to move that out into the config file for people that have their db named differently.

Re: Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:19 pm
by sanon
Any chance of taking a look at the source for this project? I'd be interested in running this inclusive of my linux server.

Great prog, BTW!

Re: Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:01 am
by rezza
Do we need to do anything special, or set any flags or anything, to have this put stacks of items in the AH? I've noticed after running I have individual items for things, but no stacks (and it appears that the individual items are set at the stack item prices). Do I need to just dump the table and re-run?

Re: Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:14 pm
by sanon
rezza wrote:Do we need to do anything special, or set any flags or anything, to have this put stacks of items in the AH? I've noticed after running I have individual items for things, but no stacks (and it appears that the individual items are set at the stack item prices). Do I need to just dump the table and re-run?
I experienced the same. I believe what it would need to do is search the item table for the "stack" flag and then add additional auction lines with the flag set. Does everything that I desire, but this.

Re: Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:58 pm
by altalus
Yes, and how about adding the new categories also ? :)

Re: Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:29 am
by doghusky1990
I just encountered a bug... after you sell the item to the ah and after the broker has bought the item, you receive no money in the delievery box... I checked to make sure that it created an entry in the delivery_box table, and it did...
I then restarted the server and check the box and still nothing...
I then send gil from one of my other characters, and my character did receive it...

the only way I found to fix it is to manually change, using a query, the box value in the delivery_box table from 0 to 1...

temp fix... I setup a event schedule through navicats to, every 5mins, change all the box values in delivery_box table from 0 to 1.

Re: Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:37 pm
by altalus
Is it me or the app doesn't care about the difference between stacks and individual items ? Silk thread are sold, and bought by the app, at 10k apiece !

Re: Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:04 pm
by GraveNET
altalus wrote:Is it me or the app doesn't care about the difference between stacks and individual items ? Silk thread are sold, and bought by the app, at 10k apiece !
yes I havent been able to get it to put up stacks either, however you can alter the price via the settings files. I tend to control the items there.

Re: Custom App to Buy and Sell on the Auction House

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:01 am
by ca3d00
Just put this on my server but there seems to be an issue, it's buying the items ok but doesn't seem to be passing the Gil to the selling player.
Is this just a transaction delay thing or has something gone wrong. I'm using the latest build of Darkstar as of the 20th.