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Made a short script to make becoming a GM easier.

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:23 pm
by codiddle
Save this as a .SQL file and run in HeidiSQL or Navicat. Should work perfectly, of course change the name at the top to match your character's name. Just had to do this myself, and it ALWAYS requires me looking up stuff, maybe it's just me, being too unorganized, or maybe It's me being a sadomasochist who knows? Oh, by the way, don't remove the quotes, they're supposed to be there around the 'YourCharNameGoesHere'. Also, the character must be created/exist before running the script.

Code: Select all

SET @var = 'YourCharNameGoesHere';

UPDATE `dspdb`.`chars` 
SET `gmlevel` = '4' 
WHERE `dspdb`.`chars`.`charname` = @var;

UPDATE `dspdb`.`char_stats` 
SET `nameflags` = '83886080' 
WHERE `char_stats`.`charid` =
(SELECT `chars`.`charid`
FROM `chars`
WHERE `charname` = @var);