and credit to whom ever created it.
i have redone the player roster so it now has icons for the gm's and all players have a sword icon next to there nick's, also i have added css styling to it.
if you dont want the sword icons they can be removed by edititing line 50 of pagebuild2.js or line 49 of pagebuild.js.
change this line
Code: Select all
playerRows += ' <img src="icons/Campaign-icon.png" alt="SWORD" title="SWORD">' + playerData[i].player + '</img></td>';
Code: Select all
playerRows += ' playerData[i].player + '</td>';
also be sure to add in your logo to line 18 of roster.php, and add it to the images folder.
it will look like this.
Code: Select all
<image src="images/logo.png" alt="DSP Logo" title="DSP Logo">
found a mess-up in the GM icons.
sorry to all that have down loaded this and had issues with the icons.