Outpost Teleport - Region Values Differ

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Outpost Teleport - Region Values Differ

Post by azafaraht » Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:12 am

r2067 (Didn't find any new revision related to Outpost Warp/Teleport so I haven't updated yet...)

First of note, all San d'Oria owned (default) teleports to Region [toOutpost(player,option)] work for me, except when trying to Teleport to Elshimo Lowlands. I'm using the NPC Jeanvirgaud in San d'Oria to Teleport (obviously you know who teleports in San d'Oria...).

Jeanvirgaud's onEventFinish:

Code: Select all

function onEventFinish(player,csid,option)
printf("CSID: %u",csid);
printf("RESULT: %u,option);
    if(option >= 5 and option <= 23) then
        if(player:delGil(OP_TeleFee(player,option))) then
When I try to teleport to Elshimo Lowlands, I get the following error, which is related to the Gil transaction for the Warp service:
[05:39:23][LUA Script] CSID: 716
[05:39:23][LUA Script] RESULT: 19
[05:39:23][Error] luautils::OnEventFinish ./scripts/globals/conquestguards.lua:405: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
This error occurs on the following statement: player:delGil(OP_TeleFee(player,option) on the "onEventFinish" function. I opened up the file that contains the OP_TeleFee() function: conquestguards.lua. The function reads:

Code: Select all

-- function OP_TeleFee(player,region) 
function OP_TeleFee(player,region)
printf("REGION_FEE: %u",region); 
        if(GetRegionOwner(region) == player:getNation()) then
            printf("REGION_O: %u",1); 
            return tpFees[region + 5]; 
            printf("REGION_O: %u",0); 
            return tpFees[region + 5] * 3; 
After playing around with printf to verify which values are being passed around, I found the following: When I select Elshimo Lowlands, the region passed as paremeter is 19, and is used to teleport to the specific region through function toOutpost(player,option). However, GetRegionOwner uses different region values contained in the conquest.lua file where ELSHIMOLOWLANDS is value 14, not 19, and no value 19 exists. When the GetRegionOwner(region) is executed, it finds no match. It then goes through the else section, and when it tries to return the tpFees, it's null because region 19 does not exist in conquest.lua.

These are the differences:


Code: Select all

-- convenience constants 
  BASTOK = 1; 
WINDURST = 2;   
OTHER    = 4; 
       RONFAURE = 0; 
       ZULKHEIM = 1; 
      NORVALLEN = 2; 
      GUSTABERG = 3; 
       DERFLAND = 4; 
      KOLSHUSHU = 6; 
       ARAGONEU = 7; 
     FAUREGANDI = 8; 
     VALDEAUNIA = 9; 
    QUFIMISLAND = 10; 
        LITELOR = 11; 
         KUZOTZ = 12; 
        VOLLBOW = 13; 
          TULIA = 16; 
     MOVALPOLOS = 17; 
       TAVNAZIA = 18;

Code: Select all

-- Teleport Nation > Outpost 
function toOutpost(player,option) 
    -- Ronfaure 
    if(option == 5) then 
        player:setPos(-446, -20 , -220, 0, 100);  
    -- Zulkheim 
    elseif(option == 6) then 
        player:setPos(149, -7 , 94, 154, 103);  
    -- Norvallen 
    elseif(option == 7) then 
        player:setPos(62, 0 , -1, 67, 104);  
    -- Gustaberg 
    elseif(option == 8) then 
        player:setPos(-579, 39 , 62, 89, 106);  
    -- Derfland 
    elseif(option == 9) then 
        player:setPos(465, 24 , 422, 29, 109);  
    -- Sarutabatura 
    elseif(option == 10) then 
        player:setPos(-15, -13 , 318, 128, 115);  
    -- Kolshushu 
    elseif(option == 11) then 
        player:setPos(-480, -30 , 57, 62, 118);  
    -- Aragoneu 
    elseif(option == 12) then 
        player:setPos(-298, 17 , 418, 98, 119);  
    -- Fauregandi 
    elseif(option == 13) then 
        player:setPos(-18, -59, -108, 100, 111); 
    -- Valdeaunia 
    elseif(option == 14) then 
        player:setPos(210, -23, -206, 160, 112); 
    -- Qufim Island 
    elseif(option == 15) then 
        player:setPos(-246, -20 , 301, 192, 126);  
    -- Lil'Telor 
    elseif(option == 16) then 
        player:setPos(-38, 0, -140, 69, 121);  
    -- Kuzotz 
    elseif(option == 17) then 
        player:setPos(-250, 8, -252, 122, 114);  
    -- Vollbow 
    elseif(option == 18) then 
        player:setPos(-184, 8, -66, 0, 113);  
    -- Elshimo Lowlands 
    elseif(option == 19) then 
        player:setPos(-243, 0, -400, 192, 123);  
    -- Elshimo Uplands 
    elseif(option == 20) then 
        player:setPos(203, 0, -82, 36, 124);  
    -- Tulia ?! 
    elseif(option == 21) then 
        player:setPos(4, -54, -600, 192, 130);  
    -- Tavnazia 
    elseif(option == 23) then 
        player:setPos(-535, -6, -53, 122, 24);  
Conveniently, and probably not a coincidence, the Region Option Value in conquestguards.lua is 5 points higher than the Region Option Value in conquest.lua. So, as a temporary fix, I'm using if(player:delGil(OP_TeleFee(player,option-5))) then in Jeanvirgaud.lua.

I apologize for the long post and hope the information is useful (and not a duplicate). Couldn't find anything solid in the forums through search using keywords: Elshimo, Lowlands, Outpost, Teleport, etc.
Server running on Ubuntu 12.04 Server 64-bit on VirtualBox
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Re: Outpost Teleport - Region Values Differ

Post by azafaraht » Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:17 pm

Was this posted in the wrong forum section? Maybe too long? lol
Server running on Ubuntu 12.04 Server 64-bit on VirtualBox
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Re: Outpost Teleport - Region Values Differ

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:34 pm

May have been better as a bug. This section is more for "hey, I made/changed this."

This has been a nagging problem though, so it's great that someone narrowed it down.

Posts: 74
Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:04 am

Re: Outpost Teleport - Region Values Differ

Post by azafaraht » Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:33 am

Thanks, sorry for the mis-post. I'll file it as a bug.
Server running on Ubuntu 12.04 Server 64-bit on VirtualBox
Client running on Windows 7 64-bit iMac

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