Decreasing spawn/respawn time

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Re: Decreasing spawn/respawn time

Post by Delaide » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:59 am

Okay, I changed the timedspawn table to

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-- Contains timed spawn data
-- for both specific zones and mobs

-- Landking timer is set up as {initial spawn timer after server startup, respawn timer, the window timer, the king timer once ph is killed}
behemoth_timer = {900, 75600, 10800, 72 * 3600} -- Timer defaults are: {900, 75600, 10800, 72 * 3600}
fafnir_timer = {900, 75600, 10800, 72 * 3600} -- Timer defaults are: {900, 75600, 10800, 72 * 3600}
adamantoise_timer = {900, 75600, 10800, 72 * 3600} -- Timer defaults are: {900, 75600, 10800, 72 * 3600}
Seems cleaner.
Then, I changed the windowing in the scripts to array format, using either

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behemoth_timer[1] -- The server start initial window
behemoth_timer[2] -- the respawn timer after it is killed if it was not ph
behemoth_timer[3] -- the window timer, many times in the lua scripts added to the respawn timer (There are two conventions used, depending on server start or respawn, so this was the best way to address both)
behemoth_timer[4] -- The king pop timer after the ph is killed
Thinking about releasing these three to start, then adding more over time. I am new to arrays, but normally they work in c++ (although it seems lua starts counting the first as point 1, while c++ starts counting the first point as point 0, so I still need to test). Lets see if I have the array going properly.
As long as my arrays work as I expect, I will go ahead and release and see if the powers that be will merge so those of us, like me, that want to change the windows can do so easily, without going lua by lua.

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