Playing with fishing at the moment, can't trace actually where this error is getting thrown, anyone seen anything like it before?
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "void cdecl fishingutils::FishingAction(class CCharEntity *,enum FISHACTION,unsigned short,unsigned int)" (?FishingAction@fishingutils@@YAXPAVCCharEntity@@W4FISHACTION@@GI@Z) referenced in function "void cdecl SmallPacket0x066(struct map_session_data_t *,class CCharEntity *,class CBasicPacket)" (?SmallPacket0x066@@YAXPAUmap_session_data_t@@PAVCCharEntity@@VCBasicPacket@@@Z)
Anyone seen an error like this before with the @@ in?
Re: Anyone seen an error like this before with the @@ in?
Unresolved external error can mean a few different things. Most likely something is declared but not defined. In your case, I'd be looking at that fishing action function and making sure I call it correctly. I think missing a colon in the scope resolution operator will trigger that as well. : vs ::
See this: ... ject-files
See this: ... ject-files