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windurst walls Scavnix help

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:16 pm
by joshr45
noticing there was nothing for SCAVNIX_SHOP_DIALOG i went on a little hunt and found it, added it in, also the code for the shop to work in the npcs/scavnix.lua

SCAVNIX_SHOP_DIALOG = 8473; -- <Pshoooooowaaaaa>
I'm goood Goblin from underwooorld.
I find lotshhh of gooodieshhh.
You want try shhhome chipshhh? Cheap for yooou.

but yet it throws an error:
[Error] luautils::OnTrigger: error loading module 'scripts/zones/Windurst_Walls/TextIDs' from file '.\scripts/zones/Windurst_Walls/TextIDs.lua':
.\scripts/zones/Windurst_Walls/TextIDs.lua:18: unfinished string near ' 'm goood Goblin from underwooorld. '

wondering what i'm doing wrong or how to fix it

Re: windurst walls Scavnix help

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:35 pm
by joshr45
hmm... that seemed to break all the other quest npc's as well... but... just changing it to this

SCAVNIX_SHOP_DIALOG = 8473; -- [not working]

caused the dialog to show up and menu to buy the chips to pop up and everything else to work so i guess ill leave it

Re: windurst walls Scavnix help

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:33 pm
by joshr45
this came about after i fixed the fishing status messages for the zones and then messed up the message offsets in TextIDs.lua in probably 9 zones, since fixed placed in ..\scripts\zones this should fix my fishingutils.cpp changes

Re: windurst walls Scavnix help

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:14 pm
by kjLotus
joshr45 wrote: SCAVNIX_SHOP_DIALOG = 8473; -- [[<Pshoooooowaaaaa>
I'm goood Goblin from underwooorld.
I find lotshhh of gooodieshhh.
You want try shhhome chipshhh? Cheap for yooou.]]

the "newline" doesn't continue the comment (denoted by "--") so you can either add "--" before each line after the first, or just shorten the comment

(you don't have to have the whole message in the comment: its really only used to tell scripters what it more or less says. "Pshoooooowaaaaa, etc." would probably be sufficient

Re: windurst walls Scavnix help

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:55 pm
by joshr45
yeah i don't know why i didn't realize that earlier, i was just probably preoccupied, as far as i can tell at least from my point of view the messages for the npcs are back to normal with the fishingutils.cpp that was changed and the new offsets in the file above, i also did notice a thing with Ufanne.lua, i believe in this line require("scripts/zones/Port_San_dOria/TextIDs"); it actually said /TestIDs which was throwing an error