A Boy's Dream (PLD AF boots quest)
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:29 am
So I wanted to go ahead and script the fishing portion of this quest, and here's what I have so far.
First of all, in mob_spawn_points table, Odontotyrannus should be set at: -80.727, 23.731, -39.95
I figured since fishing isn't working, how about just making the fish spawn if you have the quest active + you have the giant shell bug item + you are standing in the pond to fish the NM up in, in Oztroja + you are initializing the fishing animation. The script is below:
if ((player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,A_BOY_S_DREAM) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) and (player:getYPos() == 23.7314) and (player:hasItem(17001) == true) and (player:getAnimation == (ANIMATION_FISHING_START)) then
player:setAnimation == (ANIMATION_FISHING_MONSTER);
SpawnMob(17396141,52):updateEnmity(player); -- Spawn Odontotyrannus
(YPos of 23.7314 is the YPos for inside the NM's pond)
The problem I'm running into, is where to put the script. I thought at first it would be zone.lua for castle_oztroja, but I realized that the sections in that file are Initialize, Region, and Zone. So it would only be checking for this code while the server was restarting, while I'm zoning in, and while I'm in a certain region. (dunno how that one works)
At least this is what I've observed, I didn't really research it fully.
First of all, in mob_spawn_points table, Odontotyrannus should be set at: -80.727, 23.731, -39.95
I figured since fishing isn't working, how about just making the fish spawn if you have the quest active + you have the giant shell bug item + you are standing in the pond to fish the NM up in, in Oztroja + you are initializing the fishing animation. The script is below:
if ((player:getQuestStatus(SANDORIA,A_BOY_S_DREAM) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) and (player:getYPos() == 23.7314) and (player:hasItem(17001) == true) and (player:getAnimation == (ANIMATION_FISHING_START)) then
player:setAnimation == (ANIMATION_FISHING_MONSTER);
SpawnMob(17396141,52):updateEnmity(player); -- Spawn Odontotyrannus
(YPos of 23.7314 is the YPos for inside the NM's pond)
The problem I'm running into, is where to put the script. I thought at first it would be zone.lua for castle_oztroja, but I realized that the sections in that file are Initialize, Region, and Zone. So it would only be checking for this code while the server was restarting, while I'm zoning in, and while I'm in a certain region. (dunno how that one works)
At least this is what I've observed, I didn't really research it fully.