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Treasure Chest

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 9:20 am
by dragonarmor
So I've searched the forums and i'm not really coming up with anything on this. What i'd like to do is have certain mobs spawn a treasure chest or pyrix upon death and have custom loot inside. If someone could at least point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. Thank you

Re: Treasure Chest

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 12:14 pm
by dragonarmor
Basically I'm just looking for an onMobDeath function I can use to spawn chests. I can figure out the rest. Any help is appreciated.

Re: Treasure Chest

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:39 pm
by TeoTwawki

While retail has multiple chests in a single zone being shared by lots of mobs, if you just have a few specific ones this is rather easy.

Make sure status.lua is required (in both scripts):

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In the mob script:

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function onMobDeath(mob, player, isKiller)
    local npcid = put_ID_here
    local timestamp = os.time()

    if (isKiller) then -- this check ensures its only running once per
        GetNPCById(npcid):setLocalVar(npcid, timestamp) -- Timestamp the NPC
        GetNPCById(npcid):setPos(mob:getXpos(), mob:getYPos(), mob:getYPos()); -- Set chest position to where mob died.
        GetNPCById(npcid):setStatus(STATUS_NORMAL) -- Spawn it!

    -- This part hits every member of all parties in the alliance
    player:setLocalVar(npcid, timestamp) -- Timestamp the players

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function onMobDeath(mob, player, isKiller)
    if (isKiller) then -- this check ensures its only running once per
        local npcid = put_ID_here
        local timestamp = os.time()
        GetNPCById(npcid):setLocalVar(npcid, timestamp)
        for member, player in player:getAlliance() do
            member:setLocalVar(npcid, timestamp)
        -- Spawn it!

in the npc script for your chest:

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function onTrigger(player,npc)
    -- comparing these variables prevents wrong people opening the box
    if (player:getLocalVar(npc:getId()) == npc:getLocalVar(npc:getId()) then
        player:startEvent( whatever the event ID is goes here )
You'll also need onEventFinish code to handle your event. This will only work in zones that actually have retail treasure box events, like abyssea. You will need

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at the end of the event to despawn the box.

If you are looking for a dynamic system to do what retails does, I am workin on it (slowly, lots of real life/offline distractions these days) and will have it in the project when its usable.

Re: Treasure Chest

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:51 pm
by dragonarmor
That is exactly the info I needed. Thanks a lot! All the work you guys do on this project is amazing keep up the good work!

Re: Treasure Chest

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:11 am
by dragonarmor
I cannot seem to get the chest to spawn. i'm getting this error:
lua:22: attempt to call a table value

function onMobDeath(mob, player, isKiller)
if (isKiller) then -- this check ensures its only running once per
local npcId = 17216140
local timestamp = os.time()
GetNPCByID(npcId):setLocalVar(npcId, timestamp)
for member, player in player:getAlliance() do <<<-- THIS line 22 error
member:setLocalVar(npcId, timestamp)
-- Spawn it!

Re: Treasure Chest

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:36 pm
by TeoTwawki
My bad.
We changed some onMobDeath things several times and it used to be called killer before "isKiller" came about, and the come now runs once per alliance member natively and I didn't update from my old version proper.. So lets try:

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function onMobDeath(mob, player, isKiller)
    local npcid = put_ID_here
    local timestamp = os.time()

    if (isKiller) then -- this check ensures its only running once per
        GetNPCById(npcid):setLocalVar(npcid, timestamp) -- Timestamp the NPC
        GetNPCById(npcid):setStatus(STATUS_NORMAL) -- Spawn it!

    -- This part hits every member of all parties in the alliance
    player:setLocalVar(npcid, timestamp) -- Timestamp the players
I think the error you got was because I used "player" when player was already your baseentity. But this version get rid of the need for using getAlliance inside a for loop anyway.

Re: Treasure Chest

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 8:13 pm
by dragonarmor
Well I don't get any errors this time but no chest pops. here is my code

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-- Area: South Gustaberg
--  MOB: Land Crab


-- onMobDeath

function onMobDeath(mob, player, isKiller)
    local npcid = 17216156
    local timestamp = os.time()

    if (isKiller) then -- this check ensures its only running once per
        GetNPCByID(npcid):setLocalVar(npcid, timestamp) -- Timestamp the NPC
        GetNPCByID(npcid):setStatus(STATUS_NORMAL) -- Spawn it!

    -- This part hits every member of all parties in the alliance
    player:setLocalVar(npcid, timestamp) -- Timestamp the players

Re: Treasure Chest

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 11:02 pm
by TeoTwawki
whats the position of the NPC? if its all zero for pos data in the database it will be unable to be spawned. I always forget people new to this won't know these things :x Show me your sql line for this npc, just to be sure.

If you want a dynamic location (wherever mob died) that can be done with an addition script command but the database still has to be non zero.

Re: Treasure Chest

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:31 am
by dragonarmor
Ahh yes they were all zeros. Working now thanks for your assistance on this one.