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Quests and more Quests

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:13 pm
by ex0r
I did some more quests tonight, here is a synopsis of all the quests i've done so far. (Not sure if it included them in this patch or not so im going to include them anyways)

The Setting Sun (Done and Complete)
Breaking Stones (Done and Complete)
Her Majesty's Garden (Done and Complete)
Stardust (Done and Complete)

Re: Quests and more Quests

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:34 pm
by Flunklesnarkin
Awesome work man, quests were one of my favorite parts of FFXI

keep them coming :)


Re: Quests and more Quests

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:34 pm
by ex0r
Over the next week or so I plan on getting quite a bit of them done, been going through the list seeing which ones are done and which ones aren't. I'm still new to scripting so some of the advanced quests I won't be attempting yet, but alot of the other ones I will do for sure.

Re: Quests and more Quests

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:53 am
by diatanato

Code: Select all

function alreadyCheckedNPC(player,number)
	local wildcatSandy = player:getVar("wildcatSandy_var");
	local bit = {};
	for i = 19,0,-1 do 
		twop = 2^i;
		if(wildcatSandy >= twop) then
			bit[i+1] = 1;
			wildcatSandy = wildcatSandy - twop;
			bit[i+1] = 0;
	if(bit[number] == 0) then
		return false;
		return true;
can be change to (where 0x80000 is your 20 bit)

Code: Select all

if (player:getVar("wildcatSandy_var") % 2 * 0x80000 >= 0x80000) then;
(value % 2 * bit) >= bit -- there is a bit
(value % 2 * bit) < bit -- there isn't a bit

how it work:
1100101001010111b = 51799
1000000b = 64
let's find this bit
1100101001010111b % 2 * 1000000b >= 1000000b (51799 % 2 * 64 >= 64)
2 * 1000000b == 10000000b
% will remove all bits at the beginning (we have 7 bit in 10000000b then will remove 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 and 16 bit)
1100101001010111b % 10000000b = 1010111b (01010111b)
1010111b >= 1000000b = true
but it work for one bit only

P.S. I hope that I could explain this principle ^^

Re: Quests and more Quests

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:16 pm
by Ezekyel
you can delete this part, this quest is not implemented because it's aht urhgan, and now we have new lua function for that

int32 setMaskBit(lua_State*); // Sets a single bit in a character variable
int32 getMaskBit(lua_State*); // Retrieves a single bit in a character variable
int32 isMaskFull(lua_State*); // Checks if a bitmask stored in a character varable of a specified size contains all set bits

Re: Quests and more Quests

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:15 pm
by ex0r
I'm sorry, what is this in reference to? I don't remember using any of that stuff in my quest scripts. There was some stuff already in the NPC files, so it's possible somebody else worked on some incomplete stuff.

Re: Quests and more Quests

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:34 pm
by ex0r
BUMP metal

Re: Quests and more Quests

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:39 am
by diatanato
Ezekyel wrote:you can delete this part, this quest is not implemented because it's aht urhgan, and now we have new lua function for that

int32 setMaskBit(lua_State*); // Sets a single bit in a character variable
int32 getMaskBit(lua_State*); // Retrieves a single bit in a character variable
int32 isMaskFull(lua_State*); // Checks if a bitmask stored in a character varable of a specified size contains all set bits
это не очень хорошее решение в большинстве случаев

check Norg/npcs/Mamaulabion.lua

Code: Select all

if(player:getQuestStatus(OUTLANDS,MAMA_MIA) == QUEST_ACCEPTED) then
		if(trade:hasItemQty(1202,1) and trade:getItemCount() == 1) then -- Trade Bubbly water
			wasSet = player:getMaskBit("tradesMamaMia",0)
			if(player:isMaskFull("tradesMamaMia",7) == true) then
				player:startEvent(0x00C3); -- Traded all seven items
			elseif(wasSet) then
				player:startEvent(0x00C2); -- Traded an item you already gave
				player:startEvent(0x00C1); -- Traded an item
wasSet = player:getMaskBit("tradesMamaMia",0) - 1 query to db
player:setMaskBit("tradesMamaMia",0,true) - 2 queries to db
player:isMaskFull("tradesMamaMia",7) == true - 1 query to db
итог: 5 queries

если заменить все это на формулу
(value % 2 * bit) >= bit
то к базе в итоге уйдет лишь 2 queries

2 queries VS 5 queries

Re: Quests and more Quests

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:53 am
by bluekirby0
The number of queries can be cut down by caching the variable first (it would add an extra step to the scripting and an extra argument to the functions, but it would bring it down to 2 queries). Those functions do provide a way of using the efficient storage of bitmasks without having to actually understand them, which is a great benefit to the scripters.

Re: Quests and more Quests

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:29 am
by diatanato
bluekirby0 wrote:Those functions do provide a way of using the efficient storage of bitmasks without having to actually understand them, which is a great benefit to the scripters.
идея хорошая, но реализация плохая