NPC Ranemaud Correction
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:26 pm
Area: Norg
NPC: Ranemaud
Involved in Quest: Forge Your Destiny, The Sacred Katana
@zone 252
@pos 15 0 23
Small typo on script:
On Trigger does nothing because on line 13: require("scripts/zones/norg/TextIDs") the word "norg" is not on Pascal case; hence it's not able to make proper reference to the TextIDs file for the zone.
Area: Norg
NPC: Ranemaud
Involved in Quest: Forge Your Destiny, The Sacred Katana
@zone 252
@pos 15 0 23
Small typo on script:
On Trigger does nothing because on line 13: require("scripts/zones/norg/TextIDs") the word "norg" is not on Pascal case; hence it's not able to make proper reference to the TextIDs file for the zone.