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Domenic unfinished

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:04 am
by radical dreamer
Heyo I was looking at Domenic (npc in lower jeuno, neptune's spire near tenshodo door), and I'm a little confused on how to get him to show my gil and take it in exchange for a teleport.

I tried to use something from a different npc "player:getGil();" but it won't display how much gil I have.
Using an OP warp npc as my model, I am getting nowhere. lol Way over my head right now. :oops:

Re: Domenic unfinished

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:18 pm
by Metalfiiish
So the issue is getting the amount of gil to display in the cutscene? It should be as simple as moving it throughout all 7 params to see which works.

Each csid can be paired with up to 7 params:


slowly test each param with the getGil():
player:startEvent(0x03d,0,0,player:getGil()) etc.

one of the params is most likely going to hit and you'll see what it does.