Auroral Updraft - sealion den cs
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:36 pm
Hi, this is my first script:
auroral updraft get you back to the zone entrance (altaieu) and the one at the entrance get you back to sealion's den
If you have the light of altaieu (you get it after tenzen fight in real game when landing in altaieu ) then you get the cs with the airship depart for altaieu.
auroral_updraft.lua goes in scripts\zones\AlTaieu\npcs
_0w0.lua goes in scripts\zones\Sealions_Den\npcs
i modified the player's location when zoning ic altaieu as well since in the real game we're spawning near the auroral updraft in front of the palace.
zone.lua goes in scripts\zones\AlTaieu
auroral updraft get you back to the zone entrance (altaieu) and the one at the entrance get you back to sealion's den
If you have the light of altaieu (you get it after tenzen fight in real game when landing in altaieu ) then you get the cs with the airship depart for altaieu.
auroral_updraft.lua goes in scripts\zones\AlTaieu\npcs
_0w0.lua goes in scripts\zones\Sealions_Den\npcs
i modified the player's location when zoning ic altaieu as well since in the real game we're spawning near the auroral updraft in front of the palace.
zone.lua goes in scripts\zones\AlTaieu