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Tenshodo Status

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:01 pm
by Joe
To determine Tenshodo membership would the best practice be to check the status of the 'Tenshodo Membership' quest or is their a variable/field in the database that I am overlooking? Also, did Tenshodo have their own fame?

Re: Tenshodo Status

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:07 pm
by PrBlahBlahtson
Checking the quest should do the job. Tenshodo fame was also known as Norg fame, so those should be one and the same.

Re: Tenshodo Status

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:13 pm
by Joe
Thanks for the quick response.. I remember that about Norg now, I haven't played retail FFXI in 4 or 5 years and can't recall as much as I'd like too.

Re: Tenshodo Status

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:52 am
by PrBlahBlahtson
We usually reference if we're not sure about something. is also a good source, particularly for mechanics and formulas.