Community Service Quest
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:43 pm
Community Service Quest
Started by NPC: Zauko, Lower Jeuno
NPCs that were added (already included in zip file)
_l11.lua , _l10.lua , _l09.lua , _l08.lua , _l07.lua , _l06.lua , _l05.lua , _l04.lua , _l03.lua , _l02.lua , _l01.lua , _l00.lua
Credit to KjLotus for the time-check and PrBlahBlahtson for helping me find those sneaky lines that conflicted with one-another and var/quest related commands (saved me a lot of time, thank you very much!)
Tested and it seems to be working fine but you can test again if needed
EDIT: Needs redoing, it's ugly.
Started by NPC: Zauko, Lower Jeuno
NPCs that were added (already included in zip file)
_l11.lua , _l10.lua , _l09.lua , _l08.lua , _l07.lua , _l06.lua , _l05.lua , _l04.lua , _l03.lua , _l02.lua , _l01.lua , _l00.lua
Credit to KjLotus for the time-check and PrBlahBlahtson for helping me find those sneaky lines that conflicted with one-another and var/quest related commands (saved me a lot of time, thank you very much!)
Tested and it seems to be working fine but you can test again if needed

EDIT: Needs redoing, it's ugly.