Dynamis Cooldown Timer Message Fix
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:47 pm
Currently, the message you get when you are still on cooldown to Dynamis incorrectly displays the amount of time left as the current hour of the day (based on server time), rather than the number of vanadiel days that you have left before you can reenter.
To fix this, Trail_Markings.lua for all town zones that have Trail Markings leading to Dynamis needs to be edited.
By changing the following line:
the remaining number of vanadiel days left will display correctly! I decided that if a whole day isn't left, then it displays the next lowest amount of days (so 23 days 22 hours vanadiel time would display as 23 vanadiel days until you can enter), hence the math.floor instead of math.ceiling
To fix this, Trail_Markings.lua for all town zones that have Trail Markings leading to Dynamis needs to be edited.
By changing the following line:
Code: Select all
dayRemaining = (BETWEEN_2DYNA_WAIT_TIME * 24) - tonumber(os.date("%H"));
Code: Select all
dayRemaining = math.floor(((dynaWaitxDay + (BETWEEN_2DYNA_WAIT_TIME * 24 * 60 * 60)) - realDay)/3456);