In the future, .patch files please
Makes it easier to see what you've changed.
Post-testing observations.
- AV should only use wind-related spells. There's a change to mob spellcasting coming in a day or two at most, so you may want to wait before fixing that.
- If Depuration doesn't work, just comment it out in the SQL. Someone can enable it later when it's scripted.
- AV has +50% movement speed, so you can set his speed to 60 in families.
- When fetching stats in scripts, use getStat() instead of getMod(). That's also correct behavior for getting Attack and Defense, while Acc and Eva should be done with getACC() and getEVA().
- Shell was changed recently, so Crystaline Cocoon should use a positive value instead of negative. Status Effect Container was also changed to handle overwriting in the core, and make life easier for scripters. See lautan's recent commits for examples of what should be changed.
- AV being a DRG, he shouldn't have Disseverment, and possibly other TP moves. Our general Aern family is the wrong approach, but you gave him his own family, so that can be fixed for him.
I really like what you've done, and I don't want to discourage you, but there's enough details missed that I'd prefer it if you could give it a once over and make sure everything's in order, including anything I might have missed.
AV is really a signature mob to FFXI, so I really feel like his changes need to be careful and correct.