Explorer Moogle Alternative

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Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:51 am

Explorer Moogle Alternative

Post by nasomi » Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:30 pm

After a while of debate, I've finally decided to get rid of the explorer moogles. This might seem a bit harsh, but I've made it into a two-step process. Using the portals in Port Windurst, Port Bastok, and Northern San'doria next to the suspicious npc's, players will port to Phanauet Channel, provided they have 500 gil and are level 10 and up.

Once there, there's 7 npc's. Three teleport to different nations, two sell spells, a fishing and misc vendor, and a nomad moogle.

This gets the npc's in alignment, gets rid of the mobs that spawn there, and gets rid of the explorer moogles:

Code: Select all

update npc_list set status = 2 where zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 63.75, pos_x = 0, pos_y = -2, pos_z = 17, look = 0x0100030802100220163002400250006000700000 where npcid = 29 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 95.625, pos_x = 7, pos_y = -2, pos_z = 15, look = 0x01000D05141019200C3002400250056000700000 where npcid = 32 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 31.875, pos_x = -7, pos_y = -2, pos_z = 15, look = 0x0000AA0000000000000000000000000000000000 where npcid = 33 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 191.25, pos_x = -7, pos_y = -2, pos_z = -12, look = 0x0000520000000000000000000000000000000000 where npcid = 35 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 223, pos_x = -2, pos_y = -3, pos_z = -10, look = 0x01000F0600100120013001400150006000700000 where npcid = 26 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 159, pos_x = 1, pos_y = -3, pos_z = -10, look = 0x0000470300000000000000000000000000000000 where npcid = 27 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 160, pos_x = 12, pos_y = -2, pos_z = -2, look = 0x0100060100100520163005400750006000700000 where npcid = 30 and zoneid = 1;
delete from mob_groups where zoneid = 1;
delete from npc_list where name = "Explorer_Moogle";
Then, you'll need to put the attached scripts in hte NPC folder of the associated zones in /scripts/zones.

Restart and you're good to go.
Port Windurst.zip
(415 Bytes) Downloaded 270 times
Port Bastok.zip
(413 Bytes) Downloaded 264 times
Northern San'D.zip
(415 Bytes) Downloaded 289 times
(2.73 KiB) Downloaded 262 times

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