This command uses Tagban's modified version of PrintToPlayer() as described in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2402
@setpoint is a tool that allows the user to save up to nine different locations with a short, up to 44 characters (only 13 spaces), description and then to selectively 'warp' to those locations as needed.
It's intended to be used when scripting quests/missions that involve multiple locations and was written to allow the user to be able to quickly jump between those locations when testing scripts.
To create a new set point with no description:
@setpoint <number>
To create a new set point with a desciption:
@setpoint <number> <description>
ex: @setpoint 1 This is an example description
To warp to a set point:
@setpoint goto <number>
To view a table of set point descriptions:
@setpoint list
To delete a set point:
@setpoint del <number>
To delete all set points:
@setpoint del all
* <number> must be a value between and including 1 and 9.
When in game, typing @setpoint with no paramaters will display usage information similar to the information above.
GM Command @setpoint
GM Command @setpoint
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