Fixes To Spell List

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Fixes To Spell List

Post by lautan » Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:56 pm

I went through the whole spell_list.sql and corrected lots of mistakes. I must have made 70 changes, to recasts, mp cost, casting time. I double checked on multiple sites to find the correct values. I also added in some info for 75+ spells. I hope this gets merged I spent along time on this. lol

Some changes:

Fixed blindna casting time.
Fixed stoneskin casting time.
Fixed lots of -ga spells casting time / damage.
Fixed tonka: ichi casting time.
Fixed En- II mp costs.
Fixed some avatar casting times.
Fixed san casting times.
Added Ancient Magic II casting times / filled in info.
Fixed sneak / deo casting times.

Lots more.

Edit: Opps issue with the sql. Fixed it now migrates fine.
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Re: Fixes To Spell List

Post by kjLotus » Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:26 pm

there was an issue with line 525 in the .sql, but i'm pretty sure it was just a missed '0' field and i fixed it

other than that it loooks okay, but i didn't really go over every change

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