Southern San d'Oria[S] coordinates.

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Southern San d'Oria[S] coordinates.

Post by GalkaSmash » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:07 am

Unfortunately it seems that this is a big hole in the NPC list at the moment and I'm not knowledgeable enough to fill that out myself yet. So for the time being this is the retail matched side-by-side with coordinates converted into our X Y Z ROT values. Cutscene NPCs are stacked so massively on there that unfortunately we couldn't collect every one accurately but several gates and doors are included. If somebody can work off this or point me in the right direction that'd be a huge help.

Code: Select all

    ===Southern San d'Oria [S]===
    1F8 'Machionage' '-254, -3, 109, 58'
    18A 'Feldrautte I Rouhent' '-266, -3, 75, 191'
    18C 'Cerane I Virgaut' '-268, -4, 100, 30'
    162 'Dalzakk' '30, 2, -94, 130'
    1FF 'Rholont' '-168, -2, 55, 142'
    215 'Tree Hollow' '-166, -4, 55, 239'
    1D4 'Adjutant' '-197, -1, 38, 222'
    188 'Leonoyne' '-192, -1, 42, 22'
    20A 'Riautte' '-163, -2, 61, 41'
    20B 'Piscariaux' '-160, -2, 61, 103'
    20C 'test3' '-166, -2, 69, 254'
    20D 'test4' '-163, -2, 69, 129'
    231 '??? Warmachine' '160, -2, 56, 175'
    20E '???' '160, -2, 56, 175'
    216 'Well' '-153, -4, 57, 200'
    1B1 'Portcullis' '124, -9, 90, 253'
    1F5 'Corseihaut' '-121, -6, 93, 11'
    1B7 'Hanging Cage' '-110, -9, 88, 0'
    204 'Orcish Captive' '-99, -7, 80, 32'
    205 'Zogbog' '-99, -7, 80, 32'
    1B6 'Hanging Cage' '-98, -9, 79, 40'
    1F3 'Orcish Captive' '-92, -7, 67, 64'
    1DA 'Suspicious Object' '-186, -8, 84, 191'
    1D8 'Suspicious Object' '-194, -2, 80, 145'
    1F4 'Louxiard' '-93, -4, 48, 69'
    1B0 'Portcullis' '-94, -6, 41, 92'
    1A8 'Thierride' '-125, -2, 14, 197'
    1AA 'Antreneau' '-122, -2, 14, 189'
    1A9 'Nogelle' '-123, -2, 14, 191'
    1A7 'Landeric' '-123, -2, 14, 191'
    1A4 'Giles, C.A.' '-114, 1, -38, 224'
    1DC 'Home Point' '-85, 1, -66, 223'
    1DA 'Suspicious Object' '-88, 1, -57, 208'
    1E3 'Aurfet' '-78, -7, -22, 223'
    1E4 'Andagge' '-55, -8, -29, 193'
    25F 'Hauberliond' '-58, 2, -7, 66'
    26C 'Crochepallade' '-46, 2, -7, 26'
    1FC 'Illeuse' '-43, 2, -36, 192'
    1D3 'Quartermaster' '-22, 2, -3, 254'
    1A5 'Scarlet, C.A.' '-27, 2, -29, 200'
    167, 'Rongo-Nango' '-17, 1, -35, 127'
    1DF 'Mainchelite' '-15, 1, -30, 187'
    1D2 'Fiaudie' '-9, 1, -35, 184'
    1D0 'Rasdinice' '-7, 1, -34, 183'
    1D1 'OPS-Debug' '-9, 1, -36, 190'
    1E5 'Rongelouts N Distaud' '0, 2, -20, 192'
    17B 'Adder Coffer' '-8, 2, -14, 64'
    176 'Adder Coffer' '-8, 2, -12, 64'
    180 'Adder Coffer' '-8, 2, -10, 64'
    17C 'Bison Coffer' '-4, 2, -14, 64'
    177 'Bison Coffer' '-4, 2, -12, 64'
    181 'Bison Coffer' '-4, 2, -10, 64'
    17D 'Coyote Coffer' '0, 2, -14, 64'
    178 'Coyote Coffer' '0, 2, -12, 64'
    182 'Coyote Coffer' '0, 2, -10, 64'
    17E 'Dhole Coffer' '4, 2, -14, 64'
    179 'Dhole Coffer' '4, 2, -12, 64'
    183 'Dhole Coffer' '4, 2, -10, 64'
    17F 'Eland Coffer' '8, 2, -14, 64'
    17A 'Eland Coffer' '8, 2, -12, 64'
    184 'Eland Coffer' '8, 2, -10, 64'
    1E1 'Coucheutand' '-12, 2, 2, 64'
    187 'Valaineral R Davilles' -31, 0, 23, 133'
    1DB 'Zidalf' '-34, 0, 33, 32'
    1E6 'Aissaville' '-3, -2, 43, 64'
    1E7 'Raustigne' '3, -2, 43, 64'
    1E9 'Vichauxdat' '13, 2, 3, 52'
    1E0 'Eumielle' '15, 2, 1, 158'
    26D 'Dilgeur' '22, 2, -3, 128'
    18D 'Laisavie X Berlends' '27, 2, 6, 99'
    190 'Febrenard C Brunnaut' 36, 0, 9, 90'
    1CF 'Palardaifault V Draffles' 8, 1, -34, 201'
    241 'Houilloumie' '15, 1, -31, 193'
    260 'Voucheramme' '28, 2, -29, 188'
    172 'Lurouillat' '44, 2, -35, 157'
    1ED 'Sabiliont' '9, 2, -88, 0'
    1EE 'Chocobo' '11, 2, -88, 125'
    1F0 'Chocobo' '17, 2, -96, 158'
    1EF 'Chocobo' '16, 2, -100, 192'
    189 'Ashmea B Greinner' '3, 2, -80, 69'
    18B 'Yrvaulair S Cousseraux' '0, 1, -78, 85'
    1FA 'Deigraffeaux' '-7, 2, -89, 220'
    1F1 'Chocobo' '-14, 2, -97, 160'
    1F2 'Chocobo' '-20, 2, -98, 190'
    1FB 'Elnonde' '85, 2, 0, 95'
    1FE 'Tamba-Namba' '105, 4, 21, 122'
    1AF 'Portcullis' '115, 0, 14, 254'
    1F9 'Loillie' '78, -7, -22, 158'
    1A6 'Exoroche' '72, 2, -38, 31'
    242 'Chauxnatte '85, 1, -50, 225'
    311 'Hunt Registry' '85, 1, -69, 196'
    248 'Alfred' '94, 1, -58, 160'
    314 'Voidwatch Purveyor' '99, 1, -49, 155'
    189 'Eauvague, T.K.' '105, 0, -52, 160'
    1E2 'Remiotte' '109, 0, -49, 160'
    19D 'Saphiriance, T.K.' '114, 1, -39, 160'
    19E 'Kilian, I.M.' '114, 1, -39, 160'
    19F 'Elkum-Norkum, C.C.' '114, 1, -39, 160'
    266 'Miliart, T.K.' '106, 1, -30, 100'
    312 'Atmacite Refiner' '104, 2, -20, 36'
    313 'Voidwatch Officer' '101, 2, -23, 48'
    1EB 'Farouel' '93, 4, 52, 36'
    1EC 'Touttaures' '94, 4, 49, 172'
    16B 'Duskraven' '117, 0, 75, 100'
    1EA 'Berengen' '116, 0, 91, 160'
    1E8 'Ysayle' '112, 0, 100, 120'
    18F 'Mieusloir B Enchelies' '120, 0, 104, 68'
    'Blank' '89, 1, 100, 32'
    274 'Door: Lion Springs' '96, 0, 107, 33'
    2E2 'Door: Lion"' '96, 0, 107, 33'
    300 'Door: Lion Springs' '99, 0, 119, 55'
    2E3 'Thirkell' '101, 1, 110, 44'
    1DE 'Wyatt' '124, 0, 83, 30'
    2BA 'Nichais' '134, 0, 80, 113'
    1F7 'Contie' '137, 0, 59, 54'
    1F6 'Autouria' '138, 0, 56, 163'
    1D6 'Suspicious Object' '142, 0, 48, 243'
    18E 'Noillurie' '141, 0, 38, 240'
    252 'Door:House' '148, -1, 23, 28'
    186 'Information2' '138, -2, 114, 30'
    185 'Information' '138, -2, 115, 30'
    273 'Renadile' '137, -2, 120, 46'
    244 'Mailleronce' '151, -2, 114, 98'
    1AC '_280' '152, -2, 120, 224'
    1D9 'Suspicious Object' '169, -2, 128, 154'
    315 'Porter Moogle' '171, -2, 134, 123'
    --CS NPC Cache
    2B2 'Akadaemon' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    218 'Kingslayer Doggvegg' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    2AB 'Lady Lilith' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    2B3 'Cait Sith Naoi' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    22D 'kodomoA' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    2E0 'Raina' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    163 'Rainemard' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    304 'Mieuseloir B Enchelles' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    16D 'Maruna-Kurina' '0, 2, 0, 64'
     'Romaa Mihgo' '0, 2, 0, 64'
     'Romaa Mihgo' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    2E7 'Paulyvan' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    2C5 'Valaineral R Davilles' '0, 2, 0, 64'
    2C6 'Invincible Shield' '0, 2, 3, 64'
    1BB 'test TGS_npc'
wandering the real world for awhile until I figure out where to hand in this damn quest, orz.

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