I'm getting tired of writing these damn long posts with the equally long fixes...
Well lets get started.
First off, unlike Bastok 8-1, this will only require Lua and SQL changes.
As always, please reference FFXIClopedia for the full details. This patch should mimic the mission fully.
On My Way [Bastok 7-2]
SQL Includes the mob positions and bcnm_instance information.
This was all tested, roughly. Just to say that there should be no problems, but I'm a cautious type.
Not much more to explain here... So here is the patch file and SQL changes.
Code: Select all
-- Ku_Jhu_Graniteskin
UPDATE `mob_spawn_points` SET `pos_x` = '-179.03', `pos_y` = '60.1', `pos_z` = '-140.5', `pos_rot` = '128'
WHERE `mobid` IN ('17367047', '17367051', '17367055');
-- Sa_Nha_Soulsaver
UPDATE `mob_spawn_points` SET `pos_x` = '-175.83', `pos_y` = '60.1', `pos_z` = '-140.5', `pos_rot` = '128'
WHERE `mobid` IN ('17367048', '17367052', '17367056');
-- Da_Shu_Knightslayer
UPDATE `mob_spawn_points` SET `pos_x` = '-175.83', `pos_y` = '60.1', `pos_z` = '-143.7', `pos_rot` = '128'
WHERE `mobid` IN ('17367049', '17367053', '17367057');
-- Go_Bha_Slaughterer
UPDATE `mob_spawn_points` SET `pos_x` = '-179.03', `pos_y` = '60.1', `pos_z` = '-143.7', `pos_rot` = '128'
WHERE `mobid` IN ('17367050', '17367054', '17367058');
-- Empty for next insert.
DELETE FROM `bcnm_instance` WHERE `bcnmId` = '67';
-- Instance 1
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '1', '17367047');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '1', '17367048');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '1', '17367049');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '1', '17367050');
-- Instance 2
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '2', '17367051');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '2', '17367052');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '2', '17367053');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '2', '17367054');
-- Instance 3
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '3', '17367055');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '3', '17367056');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '3', '17367057');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '3', '17367058');