My port of the project many things.

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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by rezza » Thu May 30, 2013 10:17 pm

Seeing a few issues after applying the patch, but the biggest by far for us is that my players connecting in on a wanip are unable to perform /searches or use the AH in any way.
[edit] Searches for me from lanip machines work just fine.[/edit]
Any thoughts?

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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Fri May 31, 2013 2:07 am

Do you have the latest patch? 3416 or 3417 there was a change in lobby.cpp

the search changes were this

-WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x40)) = ZoneLANIP; // search-server ip (maybe should be sd->servip)
WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x40)) = sd->servip; // search-server ip

-WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x40)) = ZoneWANIP; // search-server ip (maybe should be sd->servip)
WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x40)) = sd->servip; // search-server ip

after that everyone on my server could access the AH and searches.

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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Fri May 31, 2013 2:25 am

Updated r3429


Went through keyitems 2330 and added the missing ones to keyitems.lua
Went thru a lot of Geomancer armor and changed the job bitmask last update.

Missed a debug break point on changeskin that crashed some BCNMs. Fixed now.
Compmikes r3429.patch
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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by rezza » Fri May 31, 2013 9:26 am

compmike19 wrote:Do you have the latest patch? 3416 or 3417 there was a change in lobby.cpp

the search changes were this

-WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x40)) = ZoneLANIP; // search-server ip (maybe should be sd->servip)
WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x40)) = sd->servip; // search-server ip

-WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x40)) = ZoneWANIP; // search-server ip (maybe should be sd->servip)
WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x40)) = sd->servip; // search-server ip

after that everyone on my server could access the AH and searches.

Those changes were made- we updated to r3417, built everything, then applied the patch, and then built again. Many, many things broke at that point (new character creationID assignment (login server and game server crash due to mismatches in ID's on new characters that get created), various bits of sql needed editing, lua's ended up with incomplete data, etc) but the only thing I can't work around is the Search problems.

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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Fri May 31, 2013 2:53 pm

Are you patching on top of other stuff or a clean source checkout? It's very hard for me to tell what's going on since it is working on my server. When you changed over did you make sure you changed all your WAN users Account IDs and Character IDs over 40000? Your config files are set correctly, probably since you can access the search from LAN but? New account creation works for me on my LAN but I haven't had a chance to see what comes of a completely new account from the WAN, only additional characters on an existing account that I had previously changed the account ID for.

In lobby when they login do you see this ShowWarning in your console for WAN users? If so maybe add this to lobby.cpp, (I'll probably change this in next update so it sends the search server packet if it hits the else)

ShowWarning("lobbydata_parse: zoneip:(%s) for char:(%u) is standard\n",ip2str(sd->servip,NULL),charid);
WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x38)) = sd->servip; // map-server ip
WBUFW(ReservePacket,(0x3C)) = ZonePort; // map-server port
+ WBUFL(ReservePacket,(0x40)) = sd->servip; // search-server ip
+ //WBUFW(ReservePacket,(0x44)) = SearchPort; // search-server port

I can only make suggestions to check without me seeing the problems crop up in the code. Was the hairpinning an issue for you? If not you might be best reverting the code if it was working previously and you continue having the issue and are unable to resolve it, the changes were in the hairpin patch stuff file for just that.

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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by dniheb » Fri May 31, 2013 9:09 pm

First I would like to say thanks for all your hard work CompMike :) .
I had a couple of issues also with crashing when going to another zone and search after the patch. I am almost 99.999% sure it was do to my mucking around prepatch. And if Maury Show has taught us anything that is pretty damn sure. What I did is create a new folder and then got a clean svn update then ran the patch on that with Tortoisesvn and went through and made sure the configs and scropts matched. I have almost everything back to normal. Would have been a lot easier just to start from scratch and imported my accounts but I like to learn from my borderline mental retardation XD

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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:45 am

Good deal, I enjoy working on this stuff and am glad others can use what I've done. The patch has ton of stuff and I usually update every day or so on mine and post a update here every few days or when I get some descent work done, it can be hard matching up with latest updates if they interfere with anything I coded. I might have to rearrange, change something they changed in trunk and I used elsewhere, or delete something they implemented easier. I also try to roll up anything cool I see on here, like Gedad's work, mvd's stuff, or anything missing that mostly works. Best advice I can give to people is to backup your source before every update whether trunk or a contributors patch and make sure you examine the code you are patching so it won't interfere with your stuff. Ask questions if you are unsure and always keep backups of your accounts, I try to answer anyone who messages me with suggestions, other than that I can only fix problems my friends that run on my server make me aware of or I catch running around. If it isn't broke on my server it's really hard for me to fix and like the majority of people on here there is no manual for working with Darkstar it's mostly a learn as you go kinda thing, trial and error is king!

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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:38 pm

Updated r3442

Aftermath Level 1-3 working on all Relic, Mythic, and Empyrean weapons. Those weapons also give their weapon skill damage bonuses. Aftermath disappears on weapon change or removal and overwrites lower level aftermaths.

Added Dominion Mace Additional Effect, no clue how I missed that.
Added the rest of the missing items to item_weapon.sql

Added a few missing mob spawns, thanks gedad for letting me know.

Ranged weapons in item_weapon.sql changed back to their correct (-240 offset) delay also let me correct the 75+ ones I had added there.

Tweaked chance of additional effects activating to be more retail.

Corrected and added some mob group data and a few mob drops.

Added a ShowInfo statement to show if someone logs in with LAN or WAN settings.
Added search server packet in lobby for the else statement, just in case.
Compmikes r3442.patch
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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:47 am

Updated r3447

Mainly for Ruhi :p

More updates to Mob groups.

Rolled in the Recall spells and keyitem fix for the gate crystal.
Compmikes r3447.patch
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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:00 pm

Updated r3495

Elemental Siphon shows up on JAs after an elemental spirit is summoned
Mana Cede
Avatar's Favor shows up in the pet commands menus on Avatars but does nothing yet
Elemental Sforzo
One For All

A few more tweaks to NMs HP.
Compmikes r3495.patch
(13.27 MiB) Downloaded 585 times

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