My port of the project many things.

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Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:14 pm

Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:37 pm

The only problems I've heard about were with zone settings for LAN and WAN IPs, which were resolved on the forums here, and kjLotus's suggestions, which were addressed, nothing else has even been mentioned to me as far as problems or bugs. I have not had the time to go through and make each individual thing a patch, like you said it's huge. It works on my server and I'm good with that. It's posted so you are more than welcome to dig out 1 function at a time if you like and I have had no problem answering emails or responding on IRC when I'm avaliable. The patch keeps changing because I keep it current with the svn all the time.

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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by bluekirby0 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:56 pm

A simple note that you are working on it would be nice is all. It doesn't feel good to be ignored even if you are just trying to help out.

As far as the issues I'm talking about, for a while there we were getting people popping in IRC all the time with issues and the first thing we asked was if your patch was installed. More often than not the answer was yes.

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Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:24 am

Updated r3958


All items from the 8-7-13 update in all SQLs (model IDs need filled in for weapons and armors).
Added NPC Capucine (South Sandoria), Pyropox and Kindlix (Port Jeuno)
Scripted Quests - Over the Hills and Far Away, Spice Gals, Orlando's Antiques, Bombs Away, Black Market, Wrath of the Opo Opos, Wandering Souls, Soul Searching, Forest For the Trees.
Scripted Zebada (ENM Quest Activator Uleguerand Range). Sky Teleport quest from Hall of Transference should be complete now too, based on some of Gedads work.
Updated the addallmaps command to give all new maps.
Added some extra options in settings.lua - unlock extra spells, unlock teleport items, and unlock merits for new players.


Scavenge had a variable wrong.
Regen magics returned a wrong value.
Fixed session error and account # value with the hairpining.
Updated some TextIDs in a few areas.
Cleaned up my Open Sesame quest a little.
Compmikes r3958 with Zone.7z
(2.16 MiB) Downloaded 505 times

Posts: 115
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:14 pm

Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:00 am

Updated r3994 with Zone Data

Scavenge updated to return approximately 49% of ammo used in the zone. Max 1 Stack of each ammo. (For Strikers - you wanted me to work on this)
NPCs in and scripted at least in part for all of Bastok. Port Sandoria also filled and scripted missing NPCs. All doors in those areas are scripted to open the doors, positions and names in headers for reference if used in a quest later. No more door errors in the logs there!
All NPCs should say at least something if not working 100%.
Event Item Storage NPC implemented and added a setting for new players to have all items already stored there.
Festive Moogle gives all 8 special event items he has given out over times.
Quests added, Synergistic Pursuits and Synergistic Support.
Goblin Mystery Box mostly working (does not accept extra items for tally points per day yet).
Merged Gedads Mob work. Merged in other forum contributions.

Fixed a coulple of my quests item count for trade variables.
Made more headway numerically ordering the mob spawn sql.

If anyone finds errors please let me know so I can correct them.
Compmikes r3994 with Zone.7z
(2.27 MiB) Downloaded 500 times

Posts: 115
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:14 pm

Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:38 pm

Updated r4052

NPCs done for the following towns:

That's all doors, NPC list completed, Text IDs fixed and all normal NPCs visible and have a script. Scripted The Miraculous DALE, Nothing Matters, It's Raining Mannequins, Windurst Tutorial NPC (Selele), and Parike-Poranke (Jeuno) for food removal and titles.

Fixed an error with Spontaneity.

Attached is also a listing of added / corrected NPCs I've been working on. Also here is a link to a pre-patched version of my patch if the patches give you a problem. ... s_r4052.7z
Compmikes Patch 4052.7z
(2.37 MiB) Downloaded 526 times
Missing NPCs.7z
(2.07 KiB) Downloaded 479 times
Last edited by compmike19 on Fri Oct 11, 2013 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 115
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:14 pm

Re: My port of the project many things.

Post by compmike19 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 2:49 pm

My fault on weaponskill.lua change line 227 and 228 to
if (attacker:getVar("Windy_Tutorial_NPC") == 2 and attacker:getVar("Windy_Tutorial_WS") == 1) then

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