Some Custom GM Commands
Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:42 am
Code: Select all
commands_ini[64] = { ["name"] = "givespell", ["path"] = "scripts/commands", ["permission"] = "1", ["parameters"] = "si" };
commands_ini[65] = { ["name"] = "capplayerskill", ["path"] = "scripts/commands", ["permission"] = "1", ["parameters"] = "ss" };
commands_ini[66] = { ["name"] = "teleplayer", ["path"] = "scripts/commands", ["permission"] = "1", ["parameters"] = "siiii" };
commands_ini[67] = { ["name"] = "op", ["path"] = "scripts/commands", ["permission"] = "1", ["parameters"] = "ss" }; ... oldid=7098
@capplayerskill to use on players that had bugged chars and lost skill (doubt this will be used much) e.g.
@capplayerskill demolish enhancing
@teleplayer is to teleport players to a pos/zone in x,y,z coordinates e.g.
@teleplayer demolish -10 2 3 for players to tele to that pos in the same zone
@teleplayer demolish -10 2 3 235 to teleport players to that pos in zone 235
To teleport them to just the zone (without, type
@teleplayer demolish 0 0 0 235
@op to tele players to an outpost e.g.
@op demolish yuhtunga
full list of OP names here:
Code: Select all
West Ronfaure:
Ronfaure Region = ronfaure OR Ronfaure
Valkurm Dunes:
Zulkheim Region = zulkheim OR Zulkheim
Jugner Forest::
Norvallen Region = norvallen OR Norvallen
North Gustaberg:
Gustaberg Region = gustaberg OR Gustaberg
Pashhow Marshlands:
Derfland Region = derflands OR Derflands
West Sarutabaruta:
Sarutabaruta Region = sarutabaruta OR Sarutabaruta
Buburimu Peninsula:
Kolshushu Region = kolshushu OR Kolshushu
Meriphataud Mountains:
Aragoneu Region = aragoneu OR Aragoneu
Beaucedine Glacier:
Fauregandi Region = fauregandi OR Fauregandi
Qufim Island:
Qufim Island = qufim OR Qufim
Sanctuary of Zi'Tah:
Li'Telor Region = litelor OR LiTelor
Eastern Altepa Desert:
Kuzotz Region = kuzotz OR Kuzotz
Cape Teriggan:
Vollbow Region = vollbow OR Vollbow
Yuhtunga Jungle:
Elshimo Lowlands = yuhtunga OR Yuhtunga
Yhoator Jungle:
Elshimo Uplands = yhoator OR Yhoator
Ru'Aun Gardens:
Tu'Lia = tulia OR TuLia
Lufaise Meadows:
Tavnazian Archipelago = tavnazia OR Tavnazia