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The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:21 am
by lautan
I recently got the navmesh for West Ronfaure working. This means knock back, roaming and other cool stuff is now possible on that map but only that map. All 260 maps need navmeshes (We might just stick to zilart for now). Your help is needed in exporting navmeshes. Its quite easy and anyone on windows can do it. Just a warning some bigger maps will lag like a bitch, so a good graphics card is needed.

Below there is a list of all the maps, please tell me which maps you will do. I'll send you the map and just send me the navmesh when you're done.

How to export navmeshes?

1. Download the recast navigation. ... e/checkout
You'll need svntorotoise or something to get the svn repo.
2. Go to RecastDemo/bin/
You'll see a folder called meshes, this is where you will put the map I sent you.
3. Run RecastDemo.exe, this will create nav meshes for you.
4. You'll need the map for the next steps.
From the top right select tile mesh
Load the map you put in /meshes
You can move around by WASD and clicking the right mouse button.
Make the tile size 128 NOT 32.
Scroll to the bottom and select build navmesh.
5. Wait a couple minutes and you should see tiles everywhere.
The mesh is now created. You might have to play with the props to create the right mesh.
6. Click on save. You'll now see a tilemesh.bin file in RecastDemo/bin folder.
Send me that file.

Available maps:
Not all of these will need navmeshes.
Some maps will need to be modified, for example Bostaunieux_Oubliette has roofs that must be removed.

| zoneid | name
| 0 | Residential_Area X
| 1 | Phanauet_Channel
| 2 | Carpenters_Landing
| 3 | Manaclipper
| 4 | Bibiki_Bay
| 5 | Uleguerand_Range
| 6 | Bearclaw_Pinnacle
| 7 | Attohwa_Chasm
| 8 | Boneyard_Gully
| 9 | PsoXja
| 10 | The_Shrouded_Maw
| 11 | Oldton_Movalpolos
| 12 | Newton_Movalpolos
| 13 | Mine_Shaft_2716
| 14 | Hall_of_Transference
| 15 | Abyssea-Konschtat X
| 16 | Promyvion-Holla
| 17 | Spire_of_Holla
| 18 | Promyvion-Dem
| 19 | Spire_of_Dem
| 20 | Promyvion-Mea
| 21 | Spire_of_Mea
| 22 | Promyvion-Vahzl
| 23 | Spire_of_Vahzl
| 24 | Lufaise_Meadows - Vicrelant
| 25 | Misareaux_Coast - Vicrelant
| 26 | Tavnazian_Safehold
| 27 | Phomiuna_Aqueducts
| 28 | Sacrarium
| 29 | Riverne-Site_B01
| 30 | Riverne-Site_A01
| 31 | Monarch_Linn
| 32 | Sealions_Den
| 33 | AlTaieu
| 34 | Grand_Palace_of_HuXzoi
| 35 | The_Garden_of_RuHmet
| 36 | Empyreal_Paradox
| 37 | Temenos
| 38 | Apollyon
| 39 | Dynamis-Valkurm X
| 40 | Dynamis-Buburimu X
| 41 | Dynamis-Qufim X
| 42 | Dynamis-Tavnazia X
| 43 | Diorama_Abdhaljs-Ghelsba
| 44 | Abdhaljs_Isle-Purgonorgo
| 45 | Abyssea-Tahrongi X
| 46 | Open_sea_route_to_Al_Zahbi
| 47 | Open_sea_route_to_Mhaura
| 48 | Al_Zahbi X
| 49 | noname X
| 50 | Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate X
| 51 | Wajaom_Woodlands X
| 52 | Bhaflau_Thickets X
| 53 | Nashmau X
| 54 | Arrapago_Reef X
| 55 | Ilrusi_Atoll X
| 56 | Periqia X
| 57 | Talacca_Cove X
| 58 | Silver_Sea_route_to_Nashmau X
| 59 | Silver_Sea_route_to_Al_Zahbi X
| 60 | The_Ashu_Talif X
| 61 | Mount_Zhayolm X
| 62 | Halvung X
| 63 | Lebros_Cavern X
| 64 | Navukgo_Execution_Chamber X
| 65 | Mamook X
| 66 | Mamool_Ja_Training_Grounds X
| 67 | Jade_Sepulcher X
| 68 | Aydeewa_Subterrane X
| 69 | Leujaoam_Sanctum X
| 70 | Chocobo_Circuit X
| 71 | The_Colosseum X
| 72 | Alzadaal_Undersea_Ruins X
| 73 | Zhayolm_Remnants X
| 74 | Arrapago_Remnants X
| 75 | Bhaflau_Remnants X
| 76 | Silver_Sea_Remnants X
| 77 | Nyzul_Isle X
| 78 | Hazhalm_Testing_Grounds X
| 79 | Caedarva_Mire X
| 80 | Southern_San_dOria_[S] X
| 81 | East_Ronfaure_[S] X
| 82 | Jugner_Forest_[S] X
| 83 | Vunkerl_Inlet_[S] X
| 84 | Batallia_Downs_[S] X
| 85 | La_Vaule_[S] X
| 86 | Everbloom_Hollow X
| 87 | Bastok_Markets_[S] X
| 88 | North_Gustaberg_[S] X
| 89 | Grauberg_[S] X
| 90 | Pashhow_Marshlands_[S] X
| 91 | Rolanberry_Fields_[S] X
| 92 | Beadeaux_[S] X
| 93 | Ruhotz_Silvermines X
| 94 | Windurst_Waters_[S] X
| 95 | West_Sarutabaruta_[S] X
| 96 | Fort_Karugo-Narugo_[S] X
| 97 | Meriphataud_Mountains_[S] X
| 98 | Sauromugue_Champaign_[S] X
| 99 | Castle_Oztroja_[S] X
| 100 | West_Ronfaure
| 101 | East_Ronfaure
| 102 | La_Theine_Plateau
| 103 | Valkurm_Dunes
| 104 | Jugner_Forest
| 105 | Batallia_Downs
| 106 | North_Gustaberg
| 107 | South_Gustaberg
| 108 | Konschtat_Highlands
| 109 | Pashhow_Marshlands
| 110 | Rolanberry_Fields
| 111 | Beaucedine_Glacier
| 112 | Xarcabard
| 113 | Cape_Teriggan
| 114 | Eastern_Altepa_Desert
| 115 | West_Sarutabaruta
| 116 | East_Sarutabaruta
| 117 | Tahrongi_Canyon
| 118 | Buburimu_Peninsula
| 119 | Meriphataud_Mountains
| 120 | Sauromugue_Champaign
| 121 | The_Sanctuary_of_ZiTah
| 122 | RoMaeve
| 123 | Yuhtunga_Jungle - kjlotus
| 124 | Yhoator_Jungle
| 125 | Western_Altepa_Desert
| 126 | Qufim_Island
| 127 | Behemoths_Dominion
| 128 | Valley_of_Sorrows
| 129 | Ghoyus_Reverie
| 130 | RuAun_Gardens X
| 131 | Mordion_Gaol X
| 132 | Abyssea-La_Theine X
| 133 | noname X
| 134 | Dynamis-Beaucedine
| 135 | Dynamis-Xarcabard
| 136 | Beaucedine_Glacier_[S] X
| 137 | Xarcabard_[S] X
| 138 | Castle_Zvahl_Baileys_[S] X
| 139 | Horlais_Peak X
| 140 | Ghelsba_Outpost
| 141 | Fort_Ghelsba
| 142 | Yughott_Grotto
| 143 | Palborough_Mines
| 144 | Waughroon_Shrine
| 145 | Giddeus
| 146 | Balgas_Dais
| 147 | Beadeaux
| 148 | Qulun_Dome
| 149 | Davoi
| 150 | Monastic_Cavern
| 151 | Castle_Oztroja
| 152 | Altar_Room
| 153 | The_Boyahda_Tree
| 154 | Dragons_Aery
| 155 | Castle_Zvahl_Keep_[S] X
| 156 | Throne_Room_[S] X
| 157 | Middle_Delkfutts_Tower
| 158 | Upper_Delkfutts_Tower
| 159 | Temple_of_Uggalepih
| 160 | Den_of_Rancor
| 161 | Castle_Zvahl_Baileys
| 162 | Castle_Zvahl_Keep
| 163 | Sacrificial_Chamber
| 164 | Garlaige_Citadel_[S] X
| 165 | Throne_Room
| 166 | Ranguemont_Pass
| 167 | Bostaunieux_Oubliette
| 168 | Chamber_of_Oracles
| 169 | Toraimarai_Canal
| 170 | Full_Moon_Fountain
| 171 | Crawlers_Nest_[S] X
| 172 | Zeruhn_Mines
| 173 | Korroloka_Tunnel
| 174 | Kuftal_Tunnel
| 175 | The_Eldieme_Necropolis_[S] X
| 176 | Sea_Serpent_Grotto
| 177 | VeLugannon_Palace
| 178 | The_Shrine_of_RuAvitau
| 179 | Stellar_Fulcrum X
| 180 | LaLoff_Amphitheater X
| 181 | The_Celestial_Nexus X
| 182 | Walk_of_Echoes X
| 183 | Maquette_Abdhaljs_Legion X
| 184 | Lower_Delkfutts_Tower
| 185 | Dynamis-San_dOria
| 186 | Dynamis-Bastok
| 187 | Dynamis-Windurst
| 188 | Dynamis-Jeuno
| 189 | noname X
| 190 | King_Ranperres_Tomb
| 191 | Dangruf_Wadi
| 192 | Inner_Horutoto_Ruins
| 193 | Ordelles_Caves
| 194 | Outer_Horutoto_Ruins
| 195 | The_Eldieme_Necropolis
| 196 | Gusgen_Mines
| 197 | Crawlers_Nest
| 198 | Maze_of_Shakhrami
| 199 | noname X
| 200 | Garlaige_Citadel
| 201 | Cloister_of_Gales
| 202 | Cloister_of_Storms
| 203 | Cloister_of_Frost
| 204 | FeiYin
| 205 | Ifrits_Cauldron
| 206 | QuBia_Arena
| 207 | Cloister_of_Flames
| 208 | Quicksand_Caves
| 209 | Cloister_of_Tremors
| 210 | noname X
| 211 | Cloister_of_Tides
| 212 | Gustav_Tunnel
| 213 | Labyrinth_of_Onzozo
| 214 | Residential_Area
| 215 | Abyssea-Attohwa X
| 216 | Abyssea-Misareaux X
| 217 | Abyssea-Vunkerl X
| 218 | Abyssea-Altepa X
| 219 | noname X
| 220 | Ship_bound_for_Selbina
| 221 | Ship_bound_for_Mhaura - deviltti
| 222 | Provenance
| 223 | San_dOria-Jeuno_Airship X
| 224 | Bastok-Jeuno_Airship X
| 225 | Windurst-Jeuno_Airship X
| 226 | Kazham-Jeuno_Airship X
| 227 | Ship_bound_for_Selbina
| 228 | Ship_bound_for_Mhaura - deviltti
| 229 | noname X
| 230 | Southern_San_dOria X
| 231 | Northern_San_dOria X
| 232 | Port_San_dOria X
| 233 | Chateau_dOraguille X
| 234 | Bastok_Mines X
| 235 | Bastok_Markets X
| 236 | Port_Bastok X
| 237 | Metalworks X
| 238 | Windurst_Waters X
| 239 | Windurst_Walls X
| 240 | Port_Windurst X
| 241 | Windurst_Woods X
| 242 | Heavens_Tower X
| 243 | RuLude_Gardens X
| 244 | Upper_Jeuno X
| 245 | Lower_Jeuno X
| 246 | Port_Jeuno X
| 247 | Rabao X
| 248 | Selbina X
| 249 | Mhaura X
| 250 | Kazham X
| 251 | Hall_of_the_Gods X
| 252 | Norg X
| 253 | Abyssea-Uleguerand X
| 254 | Abyssea-Grauberg X
| 255 | Abyssea-Empyreal_Paradox X
| 256 | Western_Adoulin X
| 257 | Eastern_Adoulin X
| 258 | Rala_Waterways X
| 259 | Rala_Waterways_U X
| 260 | Yahse_Hunting_Grounds X
| 261 | Ceizak_Battlegrounds X
| 262 | Foret_de_Hennetiel X
| 263 | Yorcia_Weald X
| 264 | Yorcia_Weald_U X
| 265 | Morimar_Basalt_Fields X
| 266 | noname X
| 267 | noname X
| 268 | Sih_Gates X
| 269 | Moh_Gates X
| 270 | Cirdas_Caverns X
| 271 | Cirdas_Caverns_U X
| 272 | noname X
| 273 | noname X
| 274 | noname X
| 275 | noname X
| 276 | noname X
| 277 | noname X
| 278 | noname X
| 279 | noname X
| 280 | noname X
| 281 | noname X
| 282 | noname X
| 283 | Silver_Knife X
| 284 | Celennia_Wexworth_Memorial_Library X

Re: The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:28 am
by kjLotus
dibs on residential area

Re: The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:47 pm
by bluekirby0
You probably realize this by now, but loading navmeshes for zones like Residential Areas, test zones, Mordion Gaol, and the Character Creation Zone are a waste of RAM. I won't discount the usefulness of navmeshes in cities, as they could be used later to detect stuck players and such.

Re: The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:10 pm
by whasf
Wouldn't you want the navmesh's in the Residental Area and jail, etc so you can do collision checking to make sure people aren't trying to position hack/walk through walls?

Re: The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:11 pm
by PrBlahBlahtson
bluekirby0 wrote:You probably realize this by now, but loading navmeshes for zones like Residential Areas, test zones, Mordion Gaol, and the Character Creation Zone are a waste of RAM. I won't discount the usefulness of navmeshes in cities, as they could be used later to detect stuck players and such.
Walking NPCs. The kids running around in Windurst Waters, the one that runs errands in South San d'Oria, etc.

Re: The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:19 pm
by kjLotus
PrBlahBlahtson wrote:
bluekirby0 wrote:You probably realize this by now, but loading navmeshes for zones like Residential Areas, test zones, Mordion Gaol, and the Character Creation Zone are a waste of RAM. I won't discount the usefulness of navmeshes in cities, as they could be used later to detect stuck players and such.
Walking NPCs. The kids running around in Windurst Waters, the one that runs errands in South San d'Oria, etc.
they don't need collision detection - just a hard coded path to walk on

Re: The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:56 pm
by bluekirby0
Exactly. Patrolling NPCs can have pre-calculated paths since they never change in retail. The only fun part is "pausing" patrols when players talk to NPCs.

Re: The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:36 am
by lautan
I'm going to remove all maps after CoP and unneeded maps like residential area. I just noticed the list is missing the dynamis maps. So who's doing what?

Re: The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:15 am
by whasf
I could help, but that HOWTO needs to be completed :P

Re: The Great Navmeshing Project

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:30 am
by kjLotus
lautan wrote:I'm going to remove all maps after CoP
might as well get them all done before people forget how - toau is plenty accessible