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(Almost) Retail item patches - will reup at a later date

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:17 am
by babblebab
These patches include:

item_armor: 100% of the items should now have their proper modelIDs. If you find an incorrect ID or one that I missed, let me know right away and I will fix it. A few items may have incorrect bitwise values. This is how it is on the official SVN, probably a mass export from POLUtils. Easy thing to fix just takes some time. I fixed the ones I found at a glance.

item_basic: Should include every item currently available on retail servers.

item_mods: Has fixes for some previous patches. All items should be using the correct retail stats, at least as far as DarkStar currently allows for.

item_weapon: Fixes the delay and damage for a few weapons, this part actually still needs some work but I figured that I would include what I have so far. I put it in it's own patch in case the others get committed and this one doesn't. It also adds quite a few weapons to the database that weren't added yet.


Removed for now, please pay attention to the notes above after each section...
The only issues would have been with incorrect bit values in item_armor.sql and specific items having incorrect delay and damage fields in item_weapon.sql. I have corrected most of those issues at this time and I will update this post when everything is corrected.)

Re: Retail item patches

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:46 am
by ruin2it3
First off, thank you very much for getting these patches together. I'm sure it took quite a bit to get them all.

Now then, let me give you a heads up - just off my first boot of trying these out I can tell you you've got some errors in your entries.
Take a look at the wiki -- This page to be specific -- scroll down to the item_armor section.
Now take a look at your db/patch -- see a couple of items for example, Yaoyotl Helm. The big thing here is the jobs field. See the value you have? 21378 - how did you come up with this?

As per wiki the method is
add bit values for all jobs on it - WAR(1) + PLD(64) + DRK(128) + BST(256) + SAM(2048) + DRG(8192) = 10698

I'll look over the other items included in these patches and see if there's any other similar errors.

If you don't mind telling me, what method did you use to come up with the model ids?

Re: Retail item patches

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:26 am
by babblebab
Thanks for the reply!

Please read carefully before downloading, I mention the incorrect bitwise values in the notes.
There are many incorrect and I did not add these myself. I attempted to fix what I could, but as I said I am sure that I missed a few. I will attempt to address this issue 100% in the future.
As for the question of how the people that originally added these items to the database got the incorrect values, it's simple. If you do a mass extract from POLUltilis and simply convert the hex value of the jobs field it comes out to double what it should be for the DSPT database. Example being 21396 instead of 10698 for Yaoyotl Helm as you mentioned. 10698*2 = 21396. I have fixed a few of these since uploading these patches, but I'll try and get them all done at some point before reuploading. Expect this soon.
As for now, if you want to add a newer item in game but you are unable to equip it with the proper job(s), just go to the .sql file and divide the bitwise by two and you should be set for at least the pieces you're trying to use immediately.

I rewrote the Bitwise calculator recently in C#, adding Geomancer and Rune Fencer to the list if anybody is interested. It will take a fair amount of time to actually fix these values, though.

As for the model IDs, I spent a few days and went through every model ID by hand. Sadly, there is no real method to finding model IDs. Square Enix uses hundreds of placeholders (leather armor for armor pieces and a silver sword for weapons) and whenever they add a new piece of armor they just fill in a placeholders slot if it isn't using a previously used model. They seem to do this at random, evidenced by the fact that Geomancer AF and a few other new pieces are quite a ways off from say the new Bayld gear. There are ways to filter out specific item slots in your MYSQL database browser and show only the results with a mID field value of "0". So I filtered out all rings, belts, necklaces, back pieces, etc and just went down the list one by one finding all of the missing model IDs.
Some items follow a pattern (ex: afterglow relics, empys, and mythics are all in order with the exception of h2h and ranged weapons), which helps; but there are huge chunks of empty models where you think you've come to an end and then you find another 20 or so model IDs. It also helps to have played the game for a decade so you know when an item is using a repeating mID.

Re: Retail item patches

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:23 pm
by ruin2it3
babblebab wrote: It will take a fair amount of time to actually fix these values, though.
Actually, correcting the values isn't too bad - open the sql up in notepad++ ~ using the find/replace function find the incorrect value and replace with correct value. In the case of the doubled values no item will be using the incorrectly doubled values other than those that need correcting. Jam on replace until there are no more matches found. Save and done.

Re: (Almost) Retail item patches

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:40 pm
by babblebab
For the most part that is what I've done, but quite a few items are missing jobs because of the addition of Geomancer and Rune Fencer so you actually have to redo the calculation all together. This includes both new items and items from the past that GEO and RUN have been added to.

Re: (Almost) Retail item patches

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:01 pm
by babblebab
Just keep an eye on this thread. I'll have an update soon for some of the patches.

Re: (Almost) Retail item patches

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:28 am
by compmike19
Thanks for filling in the mIDs for my sqls. The biggest problem is that people will not be able to use the item mods patch without all the custom modifiers in my giant patch, there are about 170 more modifiers in my modifier.h. Your item basic is a little older than my last current one I think since it does not include the trunk fixes for resale values on a few items. As far as the job masks I'm sure the errors were mine from when I first added in all the newer armors to the sqls. As far as time I think it was probably a little more than a month of work on just sqls.

Re: (Almost) Retail item patches

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:01 am
by babblebab
compmike19 wrote:Thanks for filling in the mIDs for my sqls. The biggest problem is that people will not be able to use the item mods patch without all the custom modifiers in my giant patch, there are about 170 more modifiers in my modifier.h. Your item basic is a little older than my last current one I think since it does not include the trunk fixes for resale values on a few items. As far as the job masks I'm sure the errors were mine from when I first added in all the newer armors to the sqls. As far as time I think it was probably a little more than a month of work on just sqls.
As far as I know I corrected anything that the official SVN does not actually support. I changed thousands of lines to fit the modifiers supported by the latest official SVN. I also corrected a couple thousand more incorrect values for mods of newer items and added dozens of items that were not in item_mods.sql before. As for item_basic, it includes 100% of the items available on retail servers, It just may not be using the same format that whatever version you are currently using is. Pretty sure it was all based off of whatever was on the SVN at the time and maybe a few .patch files for a few items so that I was not repeating any work that was done by others already. A lot of those patches floating around have many incorrect fields as noted though... At any rate, I have removed all of my patch files for the time being.

Re: (Almost) Retail item patches - will reup at a later date

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:21 pm
by compmike19
You added maybe 100 lines to item_mods to finish the armors that changed last update I had not got around to yet. You added in a whole lot of model IDs for weapons and armor missing. You added maybe 3 missing entries to item_armor. You corrected 9 entries to item_weapons. There is no way possible you edited thousands of lines of code and came up with sqls that match mine 99%. I know you were working with my patch since you sent me 2 emails about it. And SVN modifier.h had 415 modifiers as current, my port has 584 modifiers. I don't care who uses them or whatever but please don't try to take credit for that crap ton of work I had to do. I do appreciate the few things you corrected for mods and all the model IDs you filled in.